So I thought I'd post up info on how I traced the problem and resolved it. I really shouldn't say Amature a qualified Electrical Engineer hehe.
A digital multimeter is highly recommended. Dick Smith currently have a model for sale for around $23, and you get 2 for the price of 1! Can't beat that the car started, gave it a good run. Checked voltage on Battery. 12.78 Volts. Kept monitoring the voltage, noticed it would slowly drop 0.01 every 20 seconds or so...I had a voltage leak

Okay...1st to eliminate the alternator. Started up car, checked volts on battery, 14.5...yep...that's charging her all right...alternator is cool.
Now to find the leak. Basically, put the mulitmeter on the battery, and pull a fuse from the in car fuse box, check to see if volt drop is still happening. I did this for a few and found the volt drop stopped when I pulled the CIG fuse...ahhhh...figures...I have a few accessories hanging off this powerline, namely the CB Radio and the CD Player.
Okay...unplug power from CB (easier). Nope....still dropping.
Okay...remove and disconnect teh CD Player....volt drop stops..houston we have a winner. I have a few spare batteries and bits lying around so I hook up the radio to another battery in the shed. Yep...volts are dropping on the meter...bugger..
Checked all the wires and everything is insulated, so looks like there is an internal short with the player, will have to replace...
But that folks has stopped me getting a flat battery every morning