i have an intermittent problem that has risen it's ugly head again. when i go to start the car, it turns over, barely fires, then dies. now, when the car doesn't start, i have to get out, disconnect the vacuum hose, start the car, then reconnect the hose. i notice that when i start the car in the morning when it's cold, it goes straight to normal idle if the vacuum hose is not connected, and when i put my finger over it, i feel a brief vacuum, then the idle goes up (to warm up idle speed), and the vacuum stops, after which i can reconnect the hose. it also starts if i unplug the wiring to the vacuum switch, then plug it in again. it ALSO starts if i give the accelerator a bit of a jab as i start it so it revs (this only works half the time).
this problem has come and go since i bought the car. anyone know what the hell is going on?
