Well what a interesting couple of weeks. I was Marshalling at Viewmont and the same thing happened as last yr. We drove everything no worrys. Then it turns to shit. What a bugger. And Zach even talked us into the new layout as the old one. Had the winch working pretty hard on 1 batt getting the ute across. So the new layout had us drive it in around 2min25. So we thought this should be good. Only problem is as per last yr. The mud got deep real quick. The teams that had to winch most did real well. And only just missed out on getting out the other side.
Mind you with that little tractor and worn out winches and batts on all our cars. It made for a very long night. Think we hit the sack some time around 6am, to get up at 7:30 to start fixing stuff.
I didnt see much of the morning stage. As myself and a couple of the other guys had to go fix the grader so the afternoon stage could be ran. What fun that was havent laughed so long in ages. And what is it with farmers leaving shit in the middle of paddocks when they have finished using it. Took abit to get it going after charging the batts of the Jeep and changing the front wheel. For info a Patrol bottle jack want lift a front grader wheel off the ground.
Once the thing was running we got the wheel changed and Brent drove it back to where the arvo stage was. But due to rain on the track we watched the grader drift around some of the corners, as it it was Rohans middy.
So once the grader was there the arvo stage was on. I was going to chase on a bike. But being a crap rider. Didnt think motor bike, wet paddocks and me mixed. So road shotgun with one of the medics in the chase car. After following the thais and bru for awhile they both pulled the pin. Due to over heating by all 3 teams and the thai's had no idea where they where. So with help from Bru (thanks mate, safed us heaps of time). the 3 teams made it back to camp.
All seemed to be going well, with most teams already at the lagoon by now. we took the short cuts, just as it started to piss down rain. Novice driver in the wet with her new car. Made for a very intresting trip. We got to the finish line just as Coops and Hummer where makeing hte final crossing. PGS and Nick M where up to the doors in mud and had to be dragged out (glad we fixed the grader).
So with fresh rain on the night stage. Kill Bill did a fantatic job to get as far as they did. Problem was with all hte rain. The grader was struggleing for traction and was starting to bog in. MMMM that not good. So with heavy rain still falling the night was cancelled.
Had a sleepin and watched a movie the next morn. Dont know why, we where just slackers for some reason.
But the arvo stage was set to be good. With the rain holding off. All teams gave it a good going. With storys of Rohan and Ivan racing across clay pans. And Rohan just stuffing around as he had time to waste. Since there winch was broke.
Was amazed at how many teams drove past the waypoints (near the stop go) only 2 out of 9 teams drove straight to it. Phil (car 10) didnt even make it that far when the alt broke, then the spare broke.
Well after every one finshed and called it quits. We found out we where on the first night of lock down. So that made for a nice day of doing nothing on Wed. Untill mid afternoon. When Schultzy got a phone call from the SES saying the roads are still closed and a huge storm had just hit Pooncarie and was heading nth. The decision was made to move the competitors to the shearing shed (gotta be better than a paddock) and the spectators got moved to High sandy ground.
The competitors must have thought wonders of the resort style accommodation. With most making use of the facilities of sit down flush toilets and hot showers.
While they where doing Graeme was sweet talked into cutting up a sheep for tea. Alan did a top job with getting the spuds and pumpkin on and fireing up the bbq for the lamb chops.
Also a couple of slabs of beer where made available to those interested in a beer. And no I dont know who got Linda started on the Bundy cans. We apologise for that.
Good news came on Thursday morning. Everyone is allowed out and back to broken hill. We arranged for the competitors to team up with the Spectator group to help them get back to Menidee where the black top started.
Then we had the task of packing up all our stuff while it still rained. We ended up leaving some time around 2pm. after another inch of rain falling, which made for an interesting drive.
FOund a motel in BH and then went to the presentation night. Then Friday had the long boring drive home.
Found out I had to goto work on saturday and sunday. Which suxed big time.