Badass Bundy wrote:Sorry my bad. Problems include:
Leaking diffs Where are they leaking from exactly?
Leaking sump Sump Gasket <$10 And about 10 mins
Brakes are not even 20% working Pads worn? Master Cyl? More info needed. This NEEDS to be done right and soon
Right rear brake light casing is broken How broken? As long as there is no white light showing through you should be sweet. Alternatively, buy some cheap ass trailer lights, wire and mount them temporarily until you get the real ones fixed
Rust Welcome to the wonderful world of older vehicles, a lick of paint and rust converter can do wonders though.
Free play in the steering This should be fixed properly regardless of cost. As with the brakes. They are two of the most important things in your car
Tyres fit under the flares so shouldnt be a prob, same with the lift i suppose
The things you listed really dont sound
that bad but you will have to spend a bit of cash, particularly on brakes and steering. Usually leaks are just worn gaskets and are generally a snap to replace.
All that needs to be done for the sump gasket is the oil to be thoroughly drained and about 500 bolts to be undone and done back up.
A master cylinder or caliper gasket set are cheaply obtained but you will need access to compressed air for the caliper piston. If you have drums they are easier IMO to work on.
Ring around the wreckers for the taillight lense and dont be afraid to haggle, it might be cheaper than you think.
Light rust usually needs a good sanding, application of rust converter, and a once over with the rattle can. If its a cheap, shitty 4wd. WGAF what it looks like.
Once again, please dont look for the easy way out when it comes to your brakes and steering. 4wds are expensive, deal with it or buy an excel. Shortcuts are all well and good but your messing with everyones safety leaving that shit alone.