F#$@! going to holden Noel or any other dealer for that matter.
You may think you're booking it for a service & tune for $200
(even that is too much) only to come away paying $400 for all
the bullshit little things THEY say need doing when in fact it's a load
of BS. I went in today to Metro's to get someone to show me how,
and I know it sounds pretty lame. To show me how to strap up the
rear 7 seaters as the straps and clips have been taken apart.
They didn't have a clue and said "Oh you can book it in to get it done"
what I gotta pay for it...see ya I'll work it out another way.
Robson Bros...yes they have got a good rep but not sure if they are
as I am looking for, experts on the Jack.
Hopefully someone may have some suggestions.
Washed the Monty tonight and took her for a spin with the POWER button
on all the way, man does she fly!!!