Things that i have found that need to be changed over/and optionals:
* New custom rear thermo housing and water outlet to front of engine with tapped hole for sensor. I used original top hose
* Cut and shut the 1.3 - 1.6 sump because of the 1.6 crankangle sensor
* Swap oil pickup tubing in sump, change the tubing locating end and reweld a bracket so it supports the tubing
* Change dipstick and tubing from 1.3 - into 1.6 block to suit sump
* Install the engine fan off the 1.3
* New exhaust manifold. Vitara 16v extactors, Cut and modded to fit into chassis/ Have heard jimny ones fit better.
* Spacer plate to adapt to the gearbox, They are about 5-6mm thick.
* Wider double row bearing for gearbox shaft if it is worn out. Mine was, but not needed for normal engine swap.
* Coily sierra tank with vitara efi pump. Bolt In Swap. /Vitara tank with pump(moremods required)/ Or surge tank and extra pumps
* Wiring to sort out, Alot of wiring...3/4 the wiring is a waste.
* Drivers side engine mount to be modified 20mm back
* Passenger mount 10mm slotted back. My engine sits back, the rubbers are straight. And gearbox mount is perfect.
* Starter motor to be modified and/or shave block. Or i have heard the vitara one fits or the gti motor one
* Change Throttle cable to same model baleno cable, modify the pedal so it takes the baleno cable end, Have a look how the baleno pedal is.
* Vss sensor out of a vitara speedo unit. Use Baleno Tacho unit. Sierra one doesnt work with twin coil.
* Optional:Change airbox, Probably to a sierra 1L box, looks small, easy fit simple intake hose adapters. (1L airbox feels restrictive) Probably look into other boxes..I'm running a fully pod filter atm. My 1.3 box didnt seal properly.
* Optional:Baleno gauges look nice. 240km speedo! Bit fiddly but possible!