I have a Charade and the air con stopped working.
It's a January 1993.
1.3lt fuel injected G102
With factory fitted Air-Con.
I was told by an Air-con mechanic that the 'Air-conditioner amplifier' has stopped working.
And they have not been able to find the part anywhere (new or second hand). and wanted to charge an arm and a leg to re-wire the whole system.
I have tried the local Daihatsu dealers and they say there are none of these parts available in Australia and they couldnt' be bothered to order one in for me.
So what I'm wanting to know is........
Does the Feroza/Rocky's run the same aircon system?
As I'm gonna raid the wreckers on the weekend to see If i can find a 'air-con amplifier' to suit.
Or do any of you know of a supplier where I could try to find one?
Or do any of you have one spare you want to sell?
I'm hoping that someone may be able to help me out with supplying/sourcing this part.
As I need to fix the Air-con so I can sell the car. (don't need it now I got the Fez

Any help will be greatly appreciated.