What I am asking is what would be the best way of increasing my lift and doing it with the minimal fuss. Plus what is the maximum lift I can go before I start having to change my steering components or anything else for that matter.
I also realise that I have to get extended brake lines and a adjustable torque rod too. I want some articulation but it doesn't need to be more then what I have now, can be less, I just want clearance).
So my understanding possibilities are
2" body lift ( don't really feel like taking that on unless I have too)
extended drop shackles
more lift from the springs
(what are the better shocks for the rear as I was going to replace the front ones with Rancho 5000's again)
Thanks for any links, ideas and knowledge.
How it sits now

My rubbing area problems (bullbar is getting modified with a angle grinder)

On the ramp