^^what he said^^Nev wrote:I too agree there is no need to be laying shocks over if your still using sierra leaf packs...you just don't need them. I have done the measurements both with my current setup and how I used to run (2" spring, 2" shackle and 2" body) and the travel just isn't there to require a longer shock. I think some people are getting a bit confused when chosing their shocks. You may be using a certain amount of travel on droop but then hardly compressing the shock at all under up travel. The best way is remove all the shocks, flex it up, measure front and rear and consult a shock guide to chose the most appropriate length and valving to suit your needs. I got procomps front and rear and they are spot on the right length and offer a very balanced and quite comfy ride.
I find my calmini shocks (part of a fully comprehensively designed suspension kit made to work together) have a small amount of compression but a large amount of extension from where they sit on level ground. The suspension system as a whole (spring hieght, bumpstop hight etc) is disigned around this and it works effectively and never extends or compresses to the limits of the shock.