The plain fact of the matter is I can't make up my mind wheather to sell or not or to part out or even swap to a donor rig. the hilux works very well and there are times there is no way I want to sell (like winning nissan trials outlaw class)
to go again in building another truck will most likly end up in devorce

option 1: sell complete hilux ready to compete and start again.
option 2: part out major components and have a revisit to the professor.
option 3: forget about selling and just drive it!
This is not a for sale just a note to see if there is interest in the rig as a whole or if there is interest in some of the parts on the hilux.
discussion about to sell or not. To build or buy ??
I won't be discussing price on this thread but if there is somthing you're interested in just contact me ]
