Same as pictured:

Moderator: Micka
Gwagensteve wrote:
The photo of the series car you have posted is very likely not a camel trophy vehicle, camel trophy only used series III 109" cars as support vehicles for one year - 1983 - in Zaire.
You can see the bull bar and roof rack are incorrect so I vote it's a mock up.
Genuine Camel cars are still worth heaps of money in the UK and europe.
Actually in 1987 the rangies ran the 6" standard rangie steel wheels.uninformed wrote:bullshit
no defender ran alloys in the camel
rangies where in 87 i believe and they may have had 3 spoke alloys not sure
but they arnt any rover rim
Aren't BBS German: (?)Matt N wrote: Italian BBS
Sorry dont know, just quoting what the guy on the Landroversonly forum said.Gwagensteve wrote:Aren't BBS German: (?)Matt N wrote: Italian BBS
Is "Italian BBS" a euphemism for "Balinese BBS?"
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