iv started by giving her a respray. im painting it blush green (dark green) mainly because i have 5L of it sitting in the shed and its not cheap to buy so thought i would use it. also putting wide track flares on her to cover the bigger tyres and rims.
then i got a GTI motor sitting their wich im going to put in after i finish the respray, i would put it in now but i have to drive it while im supercharging my lexus,thats a differant story though. also might supercharge or turbo the GTI motor as well just for fun lol
also got planned RUF, custom bull bar, custom slidders, custom roll cage, transfer gears, maybe WT diffs or lux diffs undesided atm depends on what size tyres i want to run at a later date.
i wasnt going to do a write up but then i thought some of the feedback that you guys will give along the way will be priceless as lots of you have done most of these mods allready,
now for some pics
before i started

damn i wish i didnt treat her so bad now, then i would'nt have to panel beat so many dents.

just pulling some dents out with the welder and welded some rust up around the window their. was the only rust in the whole car.

had to remove the NT brackets so i can weld on the WT brackets (thanks to nicbeer) for the WT flares

this is pretty much where its up to all panel beated just have to wet rub her and spray the green on hopefully get it done this weekend but its looking like ill have to do family stuff instead. damn!