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or save 4 a zook

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383FJ45 wrote:DAMN! is that an axle or a tie rod? those are some skinny axles.
Wooders wrote:Mate do yerself a fav - skip the Lardarse and look for a cheapo zuk - heck there are plenty of cheap Sierras about...
Here's what took me 2minutes to find on the trading post online:
SUZUKI SIERRA 1982 Body rough, mechanically mostly good, offers around $750 CANBERRA 0417-44 2180
Suzuki Sierra 1983, registered, bull-bar, tow bar, driving lights, goes well, $1500 or near offer UWR-169 REDHEAD 0407-64 2138
Suzuki Sierra 1988 red soft top 5 speed manual, good condition, YMU-821, $2700 negotiable DRUMMOYNE 0410-19 4610
Suzuki Sierra 4WD 1988, 1.3 engine, 5 speed, hardtop, good condition, red, rego 10/2004, TTV-953, $2800 or near offer MIRANDA 02-9531 1806 or 0425-260572
Suzuki Sierra 1989, black, good condition, new soft top and Bikini top, always serviced, $2900 negotiable, SF-528 NEWTOWN 0405-15 4583
Suzuki Sierra, aluminium tray, 1.3, 5 speed, reg 10/2004, goes well, $2900, PGS-841 KEMPSEY 02-6562 7343
Suzuki Sierra 1985 1.3 5 speed, black, new soft top, good condition, $2990 negotiable, YJN-297 FIVE DOCK 0403-13 3402
SUZUKI SIERRA 1985 Hi-top Manual, air conditioning, tinted windows, registered 11/2004, AGJ-16X, $3000 BARDEN RIDGE 02-9543 8254 or 0408-645241
Suzuki Sierra 4WD 1996, open top, unreg, needs battery, tyres and some repairs, $3000 negotiable BAULKHAM HILLS 0438-14 7485
Frig ya can't get much cheaper - nor would you want any cheaper.....
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