Even more so heading to Logan QLD at Christmas to see the inlaws and even more worried.
So what is the best way to secure trailers whilst hitched on the tow and parked stationary ?
As I have a hayman reese hitch I have weak spots straight away as they can
1- Unhitch the trailer
2- Undo the ball if I lock the release lever
3- Pull the receiver pin and take my whole hitch
Whilst hitched I'm thinking of running some additionial BIG chain which is padlocked onto the tow bar (in such a way they cannot undo anything) and then padlocked onto the trailer. This will atleast mean they need to take the complete car and boat or cut the chain/ padlock.
Hmm insurance claim would be nice, but don't want it affected
Now whilst parked in the front yard ?
Bodgy trailer hitch lock ? wheel lock ? padlock again to a fixed object ?
What do you reckon ?
PS- I remember seeing some steel chain which was almost impossible to use Bolt cutters on ?