What we are thinking is inviting interested clubs to come up and build track's wherever they want, anyone who assist's would have free access to the property "within reason" .
The property is thick bushland from the top off one mountain down to a creek then halfway up the otherside, i have walked a lot of it and there is heaps of pottential. Also has a big clearing at the top where trailers and cars could park.
http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&ie ... 17509&z=15
Little bit of work byo chainsaw.

I know it would be a lot of hard work but i'm guessing there could be a fair few clubs with buggies who would be interested. After a while when different clubs make tracks and name them holding a comp out there would be considered, if the logistics can be overcome.
If you could let any body in a club know about it so we can see who's interested.
I would like to get a couple of club reps to come up and do a walk through and discuss what would be the best way to go about it all.
Then get 1 club at a time or all at once to come up and start clearing were their track is going.
Otherwise we could do all the work ourselfs and claim it as ours, but i think the tracks would'nt be so good.

What do you mungrels reckon ?