Yom wrote:I'm simply questioning whether that extra wheel travel you're getting with the coil flopping around on the dropout cone is really worth it. There is really only one way to test this and that is to limit axle travel with some straps right before the extending coil starts to come away from the chassis and see if you can still drive where you were driving beforehand. This is the sort of dopey thing I'd do on a weekend if it were my vehicle just to experiment - I can understand if you can't be bothered.

I have Shanes flexy 3" coils in the normal duty, great spring as long as you dont need to put a load on it, in saying that mine has a 70L fridge and some drawers in it all the time and it still sits higher that the front (only just)
Yom, for those of us that dont have the money for a real locker (arb, its really the best option) then getting the most flex out of your truck is the best way to keep making forward progress, as long as there is 2 back wheels on the ground the LSD will continue to push the truck forward.
Mine has 3" flexy coils and 830mm Procomp shocks in the back and Im super happy with the way it rides, travels, etc.
I fitted drop out cones to the thing when everything was swapped over, but to this day they've been redundant, the flexycoils are that good. Now Ive got to find a way to get the last 3 inches out of my shock as they dont drop out all the way, flexy bushes in trailing arms or long arm kit or something, and then got to get the front to flex!