Kitika wrote:Just one more thing what could happen if I don't replace the lifters?
the 1.3 8 valve engine doesnt have lifters so dont worry.
also give waggot cams a call , i have dealt with both tighe and waggot cams . i rang waggot one day for some tech specs , and i got a huge surprise when the man himself , peter waggot ,answered the phone and was able to answer my query right there right then on the spot.
a remanufactured or reground cam can not only change how much lift there is on the valve , the openings and closings can be changed to make power in different ranges of engine rpm . not only can you change duration of valve lift , you can change the lobe centre position.
also an option is a vernier timing gear , they are mostly used in a twin cam applications , but are also used in single cam applications to dial the cam in so that it opens and closes at the exact specs the manufacturer made them.
you may ask the question why you would need to dial them in if they were made for your engine ... this is simple. some of our engines are up to 20 years old and older , the cylinder heads have been shaved once or twice before , sometimes blocks have been decked (had a slight machine to make flat again) . Every bit of head and block deck material removed will retard the cam , as the timing belt tensioner puts tension on the left side of the belt , it tends to retard the camshaft slightly. what this does is makes the openings and closings of the valves slightly earlier than the specs , so to make the most of the cam an adjustable timing gear is used.