ive got a 98 gu wagon TD 4.2
Just thinking out loud ,
The two little vacum tanks that are in the P/S rear corner of the engine bay , has anyone replaced them with one tank , with the same amount of volume ? , or possibly more volume ?
My theory is i want this space to put somthing else and was thinking about moving it to a more out of the way spot (that was if i could change the two tank setup to one tank )
Does anyone know if there is a specific reson for having the two tanks or was it a space thing ?
Does anyone know of any reason this woldnt work or any complications invovled in doing this ?
I couldt really think of any problem with doing this , exccept maybe running longer vacum hose so it may take longer to charge-up ? , but i wanted to check if anyone has had any previous experiance with it, before i go changing things (hopfully for the better , possibly for the worst) .
Thankyou ,
cheers , chicken