ausyota wrote:And thats another thing why do the make snorkles satin black??? they get HOT out in the sun. Air pre heater

I know you probably weren't after a genuine answer, but here's my guess:
1. Most cars already have some black trim so there's a match in terms of looks.
2. Laminar airflow means that the air that is passing through is more or less insulated from the heat of the snorkel and tubing.
Let me explain what I mean by laminar airflow. The idea is that at the centre of the tube, ie furthest from the walls, the air is moving at its maximum velocity. It is moving at about the same speed all the way out to where it meets the walls, except at the very edge. Right at the edge (which is right next to the wall of the snorkel) the air moves more slowly because of simple friction - the snorkel wall drags so it goes slower.
So what you have, starting at the outside, is the wall of the snorkel, then a layer of slower-moving air, and then the main volume of air which is moving faster. The layer of slower-moving air acts rather like a lubricant, since unlike the plastic it doesn't offer much friction (think air hockey), and it would, I think, also act as an insulator.
Well, it's a good theory.
This is not legal advice.