this is fantastic news for us Rover owners

Moderator: Micka
wouldn't rangie and disco be in much higher demand than the salsdiscothrasher wrote:MR AUTO Will be making maxi-drive locka but only starting with Defender salisbury rear ones for now steel was delived last week of Oct and production was started shortly after first ones should be out by jan 2010 at the moment they are trying to source control valves
if more people show intrest in disco and rangie locka they will start production on them
Regards kelvin
yes they would be, but it takes alot more work and materials to do the rover type compared to the sals, so i guess they are going to cut their teeth on the sals and try and spread out some of the initial costs and getting some return....... just remember these use to sell world wide.6.5 rangie wrote:wouldn't rangie and disco be in much higher demand than the salsdiscothrasher wrote:MR AUTO Will be making maxi-drive locka but only starting with Defender salisbury rear ones for now steel was delived last week of Oct and production was started shortly after first ones should be out by jan 2010 at the moment they are trying to source control valves
if more people show intrest in disco and rangie locka they will start production on them
Regards kelvin
Very possible. Have done it on several occasions.Simo63 wrote:Yeah and probably due to "attitude issues" as well ... have you ever called Jack Macnamara and tried to hold a civil discussion with the man???? Not possible.cookiesa wrote:I know TJM pulled their lockers from the market due to "quality" issues.
Hi Serg,uninformed wrote: yes they would be, but it takes alot more work and materials to do the rover type compared to the sals, so i guess they are going to cut their teeth on the sals and try and spread out some of the initial costs and getting some return....... just remember these use to sell world wide.
The same design, but the sals is so strong the hemisphere doesn't need upgrading.ashtrans wrote:Hi Serg,uninformed wrote: yes they would be, but it takes alot more work and materials to do the rover type compared to the sals, so i guess they are going to cut their teeth on the sals and try and spread out some of the initial costs and getting some return....... just remember these use to sell world wide.
why is the salisbury easier to make ?
isn't it the same design, just bigger ?
RUFF wrote:Beally STFU Your becoming a real PITA.
Well, sort of.... They never made a real dent as there seemed to be a crazy markup by the time they crossed the ocean. Hopefully the new guys will be able to fix that problem.uninformed wrote:...... just remember these use to sell world wide.
Mal said he could never compete with the low prices that ARBs sell for in the US. He said he sold heaps of axles OS but very few lockers.red90 wrote:Well, sort of.... They never made a real dent as there seemed to be a crazy markup by the time they crossed the ocean. Hopefully the new guys will be able to fix that problem.uninformed wrote:...... just remember these use to sell world wide.
I'd love to have them like I had when I lived in Oz....
Any word on pricing?
RUFF wrote:Beally STFU Your becoming a real PITA.
So is this NOS MD or the first of MR's production???disco_owner wrote:well guys , I have to be the first , I've placed my order for front Maxi Drive locker with upgraded CV's axles and flanges from MR earlier in the week . They had a brand new Unit in the shop and I took this opportunity and went for it.
RUFF wrote:Beally STFU Your becoming a real PITA.
However I would imagine the recreational 4x4 market in the US is larger than the ROW combined???uninformed wrote:well the USA isnt the rest of the world....although alot of the seppos like to think so....they did sell a fair few in the east and europe....considering total sales of MD lockers and how many went overseas they were still a seller.
he would never compete against arb for price in the USA....its a shame he didnt do some stuff for the ford 9 inch....
RUFF wrote:Beally STFU Your becoming a real PITA.
This is what I did not understand. When I was in Australia, they were competitively priced. ARB+halfshafts+drive members was around the same price as a Rover style Maxi-Drive. And cheaper if you stopped by Mal's shop yourself..... He really just needed a good distributor. Perhaps they did not exist a few years ago, but I think you can find one now.ISUZUROVER wrote:Mal said he could never compete with the low prices that ARBs sell for in the US. He said he sold heaps of axles OS but very few lockers.
it comes down to volume of sales and what the market will allow you to sell a product at.....i know that Mal was making very little on his lockers, but made better on his axles.red90 wrote:This is what I did not understand. When I was in Australia, they were competitively priced. ARB+halfshafts+drive members was around the same price as a Rover style Maxi-Drive. And cheaper if you stopped by Mal's shop yourself..... He really just needed a good distributor. Perhaps they did not exist a few years ago, but I think you can find one now.ISUZUROVER wrote:Mal said he could never compete with the low prices that ARBs sell for in the US. He said he sold heaps of axles OS but very few lockers.
I'm just not a fan of the ARB. Installed one on Saturday in a friend's Disco. I'm not enthralled with the way they are designed.
Micka wrote:Very possible. Have done it on several occasions.Simo63 wrote:Yeah and probably due to "attitude issues" as well ... have you ever called Jack Macnamara and tried to hold a civil discussion with the man???? Not possible.cookiesa wrote:I know TJM pulled their lockers from the market due to "quality" issues.
NOT POSSIBLE!6.5 rangie wrote:x2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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