I want a 2 inch body lift which is easy enough but dont know how i would lift the front. Ive searched the forum and some say ball joint spacers give me lift and others say it dosent , i dont understand how someone gets lift and someone dosent , they must of done it different to eachother but i want to know which method works.
Another way is wind up tortion bars but that will give me a really hard ride, so i was thinking going 1'' on the T bars and 1 inch on ball joint spacers.
And how would i raise the rear leafs , add more leafs and make the ride hard or extend the shackles? If i do the suspention would i get any up flex ( i think it is ) Anyway i mean would the tyre come under the mud guard with bigger tyres?
And lastly what would be the best tyres 30's or 31's
Thanks , and sorry about all the q's i just want to know and thourght id ask experts. And please dont flame me about this because ive looked on the forum and like i said people get different results with the ball joint spacers etc

My car