Hi iwan,
While you are waiting around for your Mech to fit all the road train together, what I advise you to be doing is cleaning your petrol tank out and while you are there, pulling your pump / sender unit out too and giving them a good clean to, also check the metal feed and return pipes that are a fixture to the pump, for rust and cut and weld / braze in new bits, there is a reason for this, with this engine you are plumbing in, its very,very prone to not liking the least bit of dirt anywhere in the system, and tell your Mech to check the 2 micro filters thats in the throttle body for any old dirt before he first time fire's her up, if he thinks that these micro filters should be changed, then tell him to go ahead, otherwise you could be having some real headaches, not trying to frighten you mate, just warning you about this proberble problem and you MUST use BP ULITIMATE petrol too, or its equivalent in and around KL mate ok.
By the way, great project, the very best of luck with it.
And another warning too, you will need more strenghth in those front mountings if you are thinking of useing that box on your front bumper has a mount for any typle of winch and you will also need front and rear snatch couplings, really heavy duty ones to your front and rear bumpers, otherwise anything flimsy will become a missile trying to pull another truck out of the brown stuff OK.

keep up the good work and loads of piccies too ok.