Hi again. Thanks to both RAY185 and hotgemini for their responses.
To RAY185, problem is much more to do with ensuring that the longer gearbox (somewhere between 95 and 100mm) will fit in inside the (small) space between the existing transfer case and the welded cross member immediately behind, as also between the transfer case and the leading edge of the existing tank which, upon measurement with the existing 4-speed (H41 gearbox) is around 100mm, so a net movement of the transfer case (same transfer case for both the 4-speeder as also the 5-speeder) rearward by 95mm is getting mighty close. Also, the handbrake looks very much like it will get in the way, although moving this will probably be quite easy (off to the RHS and around the tank) and I already have a longer one from the BJ73 anyway.
This is much more of a problem regarding getting it in, although, from what hotgemini and Jes have indicated, it shouldn't be too difficult (Thanks guys). I could elevate the front end engine mounts a tad pulling the engine forward (or I could mount the engine forward by perhaps 20mm - and do the same for the rear cross member supporting the gearbox), just to clear the tank and the welded cross member. Of course the power take off will have to go (for a later version) because that definitely will hit the welded cross-member, as it is operated from the rear (later model PTO's operate from the front). This is the crux of the problem.
Thanks for the details re 60 series springs RAY185 and the greater elaboration from hotgemini. I was unaware that spring dimensions could vary so much within the range of landcruisers. Clearly, that makes it quite a lot easier to move axles around and reduce a problem such as (say) fore-aft movement (which I am so used to - more than 500,000kms in two such beasts). By comparison, tail shaft modifications are minuscule by proportion.
But then again, the 5-speed BJ42 has a tail shaft that is 475mm in length flange to flange which is 95mm shorter than my existing one, so getting one of these, or shortening mine, is not really a problem - I'd prefer the first option. The problem here is, that moving the rear axle rearward presents a difficulty because I have personally constructed and mounted a second fuel tank (90 litres) immediately behind the (welded) cross member supporting the shocks. It is a tight fit there but it has been in there for 20 years and works well. I have modified the exhaust which sits in line with the existing exhaust outlet pipe, and sits underneath the driver's door and side step. The exhaust has been there for 20 years, and despite the straight-through nature of the muffler, has had some impact on noise (only at high engine speeds), but no impact (so far) on reduced exhaust back pressure and burnt exhaust valves, even after 200,000kms.
So, ultimately, moving the rear axle rearwards is probably not the major issue here, and difficult to undertake given existing modifications. It is far more getting the H55F gearbox from the BJ43 in place, and missing the (welded) cross member immediately behind the transfer case as also the leading edge of the tank; although I am cognisant of Adam and Jes's supportive comments to the effect of suggesting that such a modification would actually fit in. To all three respondents I should say THANK YOU and that that you have further inspired a 57-year old person who was already inspired, and for that, I thank you greatly for your kind responses, and would greatly appreciate further such comments. My thanks. Alex