This is happening that frequently that Nissan Australia are out of stock nationally & cant keep up with the demand, the new shipment will arrive in about 4ish weeks but that could blow out to 6 weeks.
My GU had 245,879klm on the clock when it went bang. There was no warning, or any sighns that it was going to go bang. I just lost all power & couldnt see anything out of the back except white smoke.

I have looked at going down the track of a V8 petty but my budget is only $10k & being a rep on the road it would be too thirsty.
I have also looked at the 4.2TD conversion , but finding a good one & then converting it to the nissan auto is over $10k as well.
if you have a 3lt you might want to put some penny's away for just such an occasion.
cheers piggy