I may also end up not being able to enter [$$$

] but will drive/tow up for the driving in the week surrounding XRCC. I plan on having a winch by then, but not lockers, probably welded rear but that'll be it unfortunatly

Well, today was a VERY happy day, VERY VERY happy !!

Got the final bits and put the A frame back together with a new bush, and jump started the old girl and off we went. I drove it for nearly half an hour in the streets around my area, also a couple of very bumpy potholed roads, and fark me it's absolutly spot on !!!!!!

A little bit rough with the shocks set on hardest, but i knew i was gonna have to play with springs anyway. Very little body roll, HEAPS less than dans cruiser !!!
No crabbing, steers straight, brakes straight, peeeervect. Everything works the way it should, brakelines handbrake cables long enough etc, gotta still piss off the proportioning valve as it's a bit in the way.
As i said, hugely happy, thanks to Dan, Travis, Spazbot and Sam for their help !!! Pics of the shock mounts soon. We're gonna retain the coils at this stage and see if it kills the travel, or the springs. Otherwise i'll just have to cone it.
We'll take it for a secret test on sunday
Thanks to everyone else for their comments and enthusiasm, much appreciated.
Cheers, Jeremy