i'll just say a quick few words before i start on the video (which hopefully i'll have up sometime tonight)
a big

to all that were involved in the organisation. from the sheet that we got at the start of the weekend, through to the whiteboard setup, the commentators letting people know about the rigs and the events, and last but certainly not least the drivers for putting on an awesome show.
it certainly lived up to its reputation of being the hardest 4wd event held in australia, with 3 very hard rolls, and carnage caused to nearly every single rig.
was also good to catch up with some of the guys and girls from down south who'd made the trip up........hope the run home wasn't too bad for ya's
anyway, i'm off to capture the video from my camera (unfortunatly only got 1 of the hard rolls, but i'm sure someone will have the other 2)