My rangies fuel consumption is getting worse

I used to get 450K to a tank than it got worse and I started averaging 350 but this is with the bigger tyres and now I dont think I have hit 300ks to a tank the last 5times I have filled it up

After goin to black duck I realised the K&N was farken dirty but I cleaned it and this is the worst tank consuption by far

The only odd thing about the engines running at the moment is the idle its abit up and down and sometimes the engine is stalling (its an auto) i had this problem b4 but was able to adjust the base idle to correct it...
I am sick of fueling up...... I used to get around 300 ks in just offroad work now I am not even gonna get that and its been on road for the whole fricken tank... i havnt given it a foot full and I havnt been trying to set land speed records on the highway either