I've got mates who have 4WDs and I'm in the process of ditching the whole car thing and move onto 4WDs. This sort of brings in a problem for me, as I've noticed in the TradingPost, Carpoint and a few other sites that most 4WDs are manual. I would like to start off with a auto and work my way up.
I've delevoped an interested in the SWB Nissan Patrol because I've seen a few autos in them. Also there's the LandCrusier FJ40(SWB Ragtop) or even the FJ50(LWB). I would prefer 2 door as you might've noticed the 4WDs I want are all 2 doors. I'm sick of being a chaffuer and I would LOVE to get my hands on 2door(2seats or 3) 4WD Anything else is welcome, Toyota Hiliux is also on the list but most is manual and don't rarely see any autos go for sale.
I was wondering how rare is auto and how much would they go for.
I got a budget of $5000 for now. Might increase later when I finalise the deal on my car.
I would like to do alot of offroading(mostly bush/mud/rough terrians) but definitly not rockcrawling.
Please help me out