for anyone who is still interested in this here are the pics of the bits finally installed:
This first shot is of the intake filter and the inline oiler, then it goes to the air compressor:
This is a pic of the output (starting from left to right), the air/oil seperator, check valve, then the pressureswitch (unloader isn't hooked up yet), then to the tank. The thing you can see at the bottome of the next shot is the air compressor. The blue line goes to the guage in the cab.
Heres a quick flick of the speed it fills the tank to 90psi at idle. Not the fastest but works fine at idle for the rattle gun. got a cut off saw on the weekend to help with the half doors and it requires about 2000 revs and a lot of patience to make any worthwhile progress.
When I first used the cut-off saw on the weekend I think I got it too hot and melted the filter in the oil/air seperator. I removed the filter that was blocking the output of the seperator and so far today its run fine... few minor teething problems but nothing major.
so for now i think thats me done for this mod.. now its time to progress onto the next!