Now we know that there are a few guys down there that have got buggies or are building buggies that will suit this type of event. So if there was ever one event that you guys should try to aim for to get there and compete then this is definitely the event. Again we will run just the one class and we will be reasonably lenient on vehicle specs. The courses will again be fairly sensible (as in we wont be putting lots of vehicles on there roofs) so for a first competition this will be a good one. After this comp we will really start to push things along in terms of the difficulty of the obstacles because by the time next year comes along we want to be in touch with the US guys.
For this event we want to run 5 courses per day all at the same time(instead of the last events where we ran one course at a time). So what this means is that we need volunteers to become course judges. At the very least we need 5 in total and better yet we will need 10. So if you are keen to become involved with this then post up here or PM me. If you are keen to help in any other way then again post up here of PM me. This event is going to be held a long way from where I live so basically the more help I can get the better.
The 3rd round will be in Victora and the finals should be held at Milbrodale (the current Tuff Truck site). For the finals we are getting the US course designer out here to do the courses and Im going to compete

With the feed back that we have gotten from the first round at rover park I think we are well on the way to really get this sport happening in a big way.