a SC12
and two SC14
and so you can all read up on it
At 1200cc and 1400cc per revolution it would be almost a 1:1 ratio... Easier to work out to get a nice 5-8psi boost? (What would be a optimium boost for the rev range?)
Anyway, i always like the idea of 'Stealth' mods so the AMR300 and AMR500 being tiny still seem the better choice but the nagging little thing at my mind is Mark pointing out the high revolutions rooting the blower after use worries me
So here's what i'm thinking... have all the plumbing under the engine maybe around the front of the engine and up the wheel arch to stock 'modiefied' airbox... Paint it with heatproof White (though of black but it would absorb more heat) and if the cops ask about it say it's the Airconditoning unit

(hey you could go get a plaque engraved in print for like $10-15 saying Air Conditioning Unit and attached it somewhere big and obvious