My '84 MQ SWB (or most 4WD I guess):
What (if any) is the problem with using it in 4H on asphalt.
It might sound like an obvious question, but as I am new to 4WD - I have found no-one who has answered it! "They" have told me you should NEVER drive your vehicle in 4H (or 4L) on anything but dirt or sand... something to do with wrecking the gearbox/transfer irriparibly...
Can you drive on asphalt in 4WD (ie. 4H) for any great distance - or are "they" right and it should NEVER be done?
Also, can someone explain to me the shifting method... my handbook for this '84 patrol seems to be misplaced in the from one of the 20 people that have owned it before me! (imagine THAT!??!)

I believe it is:
2H - obvious.... normal...
2H with hubs locked - drives the diff and shaft with no extra benifit - but "they" say you shouldn't do it for too long... its good for getting rid of all the crap builtup on the shaft etc.. but not much else(??)
2H - 4H... differing opinions: some say "come to a complete standstill - change it, then lock the diffs" - others say "you can change @ <25kmh ie. whilst moving) - lock the diffs either before or after... who's right?

4H - 2H ... again differing opinions... some say "at stand" still others say can do < 25Kmh
4H-4L - complete standstill
I just can't work out: I am bashing through the bush, then come along an asphalt road... do stop - change from 4H to 2H, then when I get back onto the dirt 2H-4H??