well yeh, sarvo i tweaked up the torsion bars on the swb, and now he is all good, plenty of clearance, and looks good, now i just gotta put in the springs i sprayed sarvo also, a few things i noticed when doing the tb tweak that may or may not help someone else:
- dont forget to cut the two upper bumpstops before tweaking

- i found it way easier to jack the car up, then jack the whole wishbone up seperately and then cut the bumpstops with the wheel off
- couldnt cut the bumpstops real good, was sturggling, got the grinder out, seemed dodgy and couldnt get in there properly and ended that the good ol trusty bread knife was easiest!

and yeh that was about it, so heres a few piccies for you guys, hope u like, the pics also show the arb winch bar i bought from redrocket, the lwb coils i purchased for 50 bucks and have sprayed blue, not because dobinsons are blue my girlfriend wanted them pink, like magenta, but i couldnt find rust kill paint in the magenta, so blue it was. just for note, the can under the bash plate is 8" high, but i now have a good 12" clearance between the bash plate and ground, and that wasnt even 2", so feels good, enjoy!