Everyone i spoke to when i was buying my rocky, and every review in a 4x4 mag i read, said they were 'bulletproof', un-breakable etc etc. In line with this, they also said that the Gearbox and Tcase was complete overkill for a car/engine that size and you'd never have trouble with that atleast.... Not one month after I bought the car, the 1st thing of many to go, the gearbox

(For those that cant tell, its the bonnet hingy thingo)
HOW FLAMIN SKINNY IS THAT LIL PEICE OF STEEL!!!!!,AND THAT BONNETS DAMN HEAVY. I hope the rest of the car aint made of crap like that.
I know its not much, but up until this mornig i hav loved this car....... and now that i have had my rant i will prolly go back to loving it in a few days

EDIT: Just so that there is atleast a scerric (sp) of tech in this post, has anyone else had this go on em?