MissMU wrote:parts in general are really hard to find or so ive found. if you do find them.. they are pretty expensive.
panels are NOT interchangeable between rodeos or fronteras unfortunately :( well maybe the grill/headlights...
main seal usually goes around the 140k mark... and alternators cost about $1000 to replace! timing belt goes at on or close to 100k
check out
www.carsurvey.org there's bit of stuff on there. or check out clubisuzu.com quite a bit of stuff on there
when i was looking for one 2 weeks ago they were priced from 8k-13k depends on the condition!
PM sent

Panels are interchangable with rodeo and frontera, the front end is the same under the skin, the hardest thing to get is the guards (which are the same as the frontera except the blinker is in a different spot) because all the ricers have bought them for there mini trucks, so now holden have none and to get them at the wreckers is near impossiable.
Rear main seals will leak if the pvc valve blocks up.
Alternator is the same as rodeo, new they cost about $400, and can be repaired for about half that.
Timing belts are easy to get and not to hard to replace.
With towing you can fit the Jackaroo towbar, the MU weighs around 1800kg so towing would be very similar as the jack is about 1900kg.
As everyone has said info is at