What has been created here

devil only knows. It is great to have some great feedback. Just on a few things:-
1:- Pete again did a great job
2:- With tyre size it will have to be measured this will stop any special marked tyres being used ( it has happened before ) the tyres will be measured on the ground at a set pressure ( to be set ) possible 24psi.
3:- PA system will be a must during the day.
4:- Extra bunting should not be a problem.
5:- Scoring will be carried out by the Stage Manager & his assistant.
6:- The idea of the ball in the cone sounds very interesting, will follow up.
7:- I go along with the idea of no Saturday night Stages, this gives us time to have a sit around & a cup of tea or two talking about all the - "if this had happened I would have come?????????????"
8:- If Round 1 has a large entry the stages will all run together this will allow for an earlier day. More time for a cup of tea. Remember you can go on the bag the next morning. Zero Limit!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:- Getting late. Talk later
Regards MMM

David Metcalfe, runs Xtreme 4X4 Sport which is the home of ARB Xtreme Winch Challenge Series, Xtreme International & 4WD Angel Adventure supporting Angel Flight Australia