Pre-Notes to the Reader:
Please Note that there are no photos attached to this post, so if you have below average visualising skills don't bother reading this post until i have had a chance to post up some pics, then come back and read this post and it will all be good.
Post Weekend Update:
My goodness, what a weekend, what progress...
First up, the gearbox...
We cracked open the original case to determine what was the problem... the scenario was that it appeared to be stuck in 4th all the time... Now remember that 4th is a 1:1 gear (straight through) on this car (and i believe most manuals for that matter). So we were looking for two possible problems:
1. Was it a problem with 4th gear, or
2. was there an issue that was locking the input shaft to the output shaft directly causing the two to always spin at the same speed.
It turned out that it was number 2 - because a bearing next to 4th gear was not on the shaft far enough (only 2mm off), the synchro for 2nd gear was locking the input shaft solid to the main shaft (wierd eh) and this meant that the drive being pushed into the gearbox was always coming out the output shaft... it also mean that if you were in any gear other than 4th, the main shaft was trying to be turned at 2 speeds - 1:1 and whatever gear you were in - this would make the car stall out...
So we dropped out the gear box that was in it, cracked it open and grabbed the adaptor plate off it and stuck it onto the newly re-assembled original case... that went back into the car and wollah (is that how you spell that?), we were back in business - the gear box is now super quiet and it is back to driving like the mad-cap that it is

We had it reving at 7,500 rpms in low range to test out the gear box and it was still quiet (estimately 150kms if it were in high range)...
We also opened up the box that was in the car - turns out that the 2nd gear synchro was chewed out pretty bad - we suspect it is because the previous owner ran the box at Auto Transmission Fluid - it appears as though it has just simply warn away the synchro so much that the gear would not be changed into or out of smoothly...
Don't worry - we took some photos of the gear box and the adaptor plate - so some good sense can be made of this once i manage to get them up.
The Other big big development that happened over the weekend was the roll cage... All the super gussetts were welded into place... We also made up some floor plates (to mount the cage to the floor

), and some under floor plates which would then be connected via some tube to the chassis - so we end up with the body sandwhiched between the plates, and the cage effectively mounts directly to the chassis... should make it super strong (or at least as strong as the chassis is

These mounts have all since been completed, so the cage is all in place and painted up...
Don't worry, i've taken about a hundred and one photos of the cage in its development so these may appear up here someday too
Finally the rear shockmounts, these were tied into the back part of the cage and sit 5" above the floor in the back of the car, just behind the fuel tank (so storage room is kind of minimalised)...
And again, i'm sure that photos can be arranged so it will all be clear eventually
Anyways, it looks like we have gotten the car to a drivable stage in time for the trip that i'm running this weekend, so that has been a great effort, and with a bit of luck - it'll be a great success too...