Our bus was certainly a hit with all - GO THE SCHOOL BUS
As a club we didn't fair too well, but some of the guys individually went well, including our crowd favourite - the Simpsons bus. The boys only started building it approx' 6 weeks ago.
Our scores (below) were as follows

stage one carnage canyon 100
stage two devils descent 70 (drove it, but hit bunting)
stage three up the creek 90 - 1 back and fill
stage four 90 - missed a call of 'winching'
stage five gullied out 70 - put a rock through the diff
stage six all shook up 10 - poor turning circle
stage seven wombat holes 100
stage eight 10 - yep say no more
540 total Dissappionting score wise but thoroughly enjoyed myself and cant wait till the trials.