Great comments and insights Rick, thanks for sharing.
From a spectators point of view (and this event is being angled at attracting and entertaining the crowds they hope to pull in future), glad to see Mark & Wayne taking this step-by-step.
My personal feedback (spectator's viewpoint):
* the two tracks nearest Ferrers Rd were not viewable from the main spectating area. May need a rethink?
* a great innovation was the trials bikes running; gave spectators something to watch. I'd suggest they be 'announced' onto the track when say a recovery is happening, just to bring crowd attention to them
* recoveries went reasonably well, most teams able to self-recover quickly; although the exy did a great job, I saw other (assisted) recoveries with some minor issues (including one vehicle obviously placed there for recoveries, yet not fully equipped to do so).
* the bloke on the mike did a good job

but seemed to go missing before the end?
* when this event takes off, perhaps a bit more commentary on how teams are approaching recoveries/assisting 2nd car etc, as not every spectator will know what is going on
* liked how Rick was getting 'interviews' with competitors at times, good interaction.
I'm sure teams will have their suggestions, a couple of observations I had:
* a bit of confusion at the end of the day; some teams had left, others were hanging around (apparently it was in the rules all teams were meant to stay for presentation?)
* inconsistent marshalling (you'll always get that I know, but) as I saw one team clearly had a participant with no helmet on course, who was actively involved in handling straps etc during the timed period (i.e. not after 'time called'). Not sure if it was a navi or manager. Big point when everyone else had to wear helmets in that heat today...
Overall, 8/10 for first effort, well done organisers, marshals and competitors