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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:28 am
by roly
camskizook wrote:OK....what part of this is fact or fiction?
Government gives land back to aboriginals because it is sacred
4wders use otherwise usless land for recreation
Aboriginal group limit access and allow only those ppl who clean it up to have access
Aboriginal groups then sell it and develop it after getting a good deal for getting it cleaned zero dollars
if i have missed the point here, please let me know because i dont want to be riled up for no reason
thats why you'll never see me at a clean up............
what happens if a 4wder picks up a syringe and gets hep or aids or loses a limb from a car body towing or whatever?
is the association or abo's gonna pay the mega dollars in compo, i dont think so...
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:33 pm
by bogged
roly wrote:thats why you'll never see me at a clean up............
what happens if a 4wder picks up a syringe and gets hep or aids or loses a limb from a car body towing or whatever?
is the association or abo's gonna pay the mega dollars in compo, i dont think so...
never thought of it that way!

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:37 pm
by MQ080
roly wrote:camskizook wrote:OK....what part of this is fact or fiction?
Government gives land back to aboriginals because it is sacred
4wders use otherwise usless land for recreation
Aboriginal group limit access and allow only those ppl who clean it up to have access
Aboriginal groups then sell it and develop it after getting a good deal for getting it cleaned zero dollars
if i have missed the point here, please let me know because i dont want to be riled up for no reason
thats why you'll never see me at a clean up............
what happens if a 4wder picks up a syringe and gets hep or aids or loses a limb from a car body towing or whatever?
is the association or abo's gonna pay the mega dollars in compo, i dont think so...
Roly, this is so true... they wouldn't even want to know you!
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:09 pm
by XXXL80
bogged wrote:XXXL80
Which part of Menai is it?? is it the land that was Sacred Site Granted, or other?
sacred site granted

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:12 pm
by XXXL80
camskizook wrote:OK....what part of this is fact or fiction?
Government gives land back to aboriginals because it is sacred
4wders use otherwise usless land for recreation
Aboriginal group limit access and allow only those ppl who clean it up to have access
Aboriginal groups then sell it and develop it after getting a good deal for getting it cleaned zero dollars
if i have missed the point here, please let me know because i dont want to be riled up for no reason
well said cam. if i had a digi camera i would drive down to the site where they have put up the ad for house and land packages and post it up on this site!! it is fact not fiction as i have seen the sign myself!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:13 pm
by XXXL80
Wendle wrote:it's quite expensive to clear land of rubbish for development, especially nowadays with all the OH&S rules about hazardous waste (syringes, etc)..
heaps cheaper to scam a bunch of non-profit 4wd clubs to do it for nothing!
well said carlton. hence why they can stick there clean ups where the sun dont shine
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:53 am
by planb
a menai clean up trip is covered by your clubs public liability policy that you as a member contribute to and are entitled to claim against in the event of an accident.
here is the map released by the 4wd association. live by it, you fuck access for all of us, and we will have boat harbour/kurnell as our only other venue in syd for wheeling.
i dont think anyone wants that.
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:09 am
by Wendle
planb wrote:a menai clean up trip is covered by your clubs public liability policy that you as a member contribute to and are entitled to claim against in the event of an accident.
here is the map released by the 4wd association. live by it, you ***** access for all of us, and we will have boat harbour/kurnell as our only other venue in syd for wheeling.
i dont think anyone wants that.
that is the map I was talking about before. The white bit is shown as open to all (gate 8 to prado) and the green bit after prado is noted as "restricted access, cleanups etc"
And as soon as whoever underwrites TCIS's public liabilty sues the land-owners for the first clean-up incident it will be all over anyways.....
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:57 am
by planb
Wendle wrote:planb wrote:a menai clean up trip is covered by your clubs public liability policy that you as a member contribute to and are entitled to claim against in the event of an accident.
here is the map released by the 4wd association. live by it, you ***** access for all of us, and we will have boat harbour/kurnell as our only other venue in syd for wheeling.
i dont think anyone wants that.
that is the map I was talking about before. The white bit is shown as open to all (gate 8 to prado) and the green bit after prado is noted as "restricted access, cleanups etc"
And as soon as whoever underwrites TCIS's public liabilty sues the land-owners for the first clean-up incident it will be all over anyways.....
the white bit is open to all association club members, providing they participate at clean up initiatives and the association (haasman) is notified and approves the trip.
its not as onerous as you all make out.
we attended several clean-ups, we basicall went wheeling, dragged cars out of the mud pits and had an awesome day.
all we have to do now is email hassman, let him know when were heading out for a run, and go.
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:02 am
I can see it beeing another Porters road.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:20 am
by Wendle
overkill wrote:I can see it beeing another Porters road.

I am probably gonna get my wrist slapped if I say much more, being president of a club that is in the association and all, but the menai agreement started out as a productive, symbiotic relationship, and has deteriorated into the most hypocrytical thing since christianity...

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:35 pm
by bogged
XXXL80 wrote:bogged wrote:XXXL80
Which part of Menai is it?? is it the land that was Sacred Site Granted, or other?
sacred site granted

Im sure there are laws stating land given for sacred sites cannot be developed..
Maybe somene should call John Laws LMAO!
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:37 pm
by bogged
planb wrote: is the map released by the 4wd association. live by it, you ***** access for all of us, and we will have boat harbour/kurnell as our only other venue in syd for wheeling.
i dont think anyone wants that.
Honestly having lived there for over 30 years, there is nothing there you would pay to 4wd on anymore..
Got photos of them hills when they were over 100ft high on the edge of the kurnell road from Cronulla to Phillips (about 7klms) and back to the coast... (5klms) Now they are mining underground.. and 4wds are vandals?
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:47 pm
by XXXL80
bogged wrote:planb wrote: is the map released by the 4wd association. live by it, you ***** access for all of us, and we will have boat harbour/kurnell as our only other venue in syd for wheeling.
i dont think anyone wants that.
Honestly having lived there for over 30 years, there is nothing there you would pay to 4wd on anymore..
Got photos of them hills when they were over 100ft high on the edge of the kurnell road from Cronulla to Phillips (about 7klms) and back to the coast... (5klms) Now they are mining underground.. and 4wds are vandals?
i totally agree, i have been going out there for the last 6 years, i remeber when they had the big dues open and it wasnt to bad to go out there, but now thry charge 15 bucks for a flat bit of sand. the only reason i go out there is to tow the jetski and play in the surf.
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:49 pm
by XXXL80
overkill wrote:I can see it beeing another Porters road.

thats what ive said from the start sam. so fark em, while it is still open im gonna wheel it.
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 3:23 pm
by MQ080
overkill wrote:I can see it beeing another Porters road.

Exactly right!
What assurance do we have from the "owners" that after we have cleaned it all up they won't develop it? They've done it to the other side of Menai. Baulkham Hills Shire Council used us with a verbal agreement that porters would stay open so that they could get cheap labour... I can't see Menai being any different, and then the association will be crying foul, with no formal recognition of their efforts.
What makes the whole Porters saga even more amusing is that the council was more than happy to "allow" clean ups by 4wders. However the official reason for its closure as stated on the sign posted at the gate is "severe environmental damage that was as a result of bikes and vehicles".
Planb, please list all of the next dates for Menai so I can do my bit too add value to someone else’s land.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:13 pm
by slowhilux
XXXL80 wrote:overkill wrote:I can see it beeing another Porters road.

thats what ive said from the start sam. so fark em, while it is still open im gonna wheel it.
Amen to that!!!!