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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:43 am
by Flange Raider
Thonger wrote:
Flange Raider wrote:
Ben wrote:
N*A*M wrote:we're not the target of the revenue raising rort.

Well not that revenue raising rort...but then we've got all those wonderful speed cameras...

I was going to post the same reply.. ***** bracks arsehole!

:D Get a diesel Lux, you'll never get done for speeding then :oops:

the old Rangie's not exactly a rocket either.. :lol:

it just annoys me, fixed cameras everywhere now.. you drive on the fwy, and everyone does about 80 coz they don't wanna get drilled in the ass by bloody bracks!

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:59 am
by WaveCult
Flange Raider wrote:the old Rangie's not exactly a rocket either.. :lol:

it just annoys me, fixed cameras everywhere now.. you drive on the fwy, and everyone does about 80 coz they don't wanna get drilled in the ass by bloody bracks!

They should do like me... get a GPS :D Reasonably accurate speed reading... very very handy! Oh, and great for navigation when you're off God knows where :)

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:03 am
by Thonger
KNow what you mean like fools who see a Marked car and drive at 90 when the limits 100, :x wankers

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 3:57 pm
by 308LUX
N*A*M wrote:no not at all wooders. imo, victorians have it very easy with the cops as far as i can tell.

they won't pull you up unless you give them a very good reason to in the first place (obvious things like broken lights, bad driving...). then whether you get a thorough inspection is a matter of their current mood, how you act, how badly obvious your booty fab is, etc...

keep it looking legal on the outside and you'll be fine. we're not the target of the revenue raising rort.

N*A*M's right

my mate had both tail lights out driving at night, hense reason for being pulled over in the first place.

the mag was pettersons (us mag :rofl:) hense the DOT rating.

and the cop's down here are real keen on pulling over ricers rather than 4by's

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:00 pm
by pegasus
Thonger wrote:
Flange Raider wrote:
Ben wrote:
N*A*M wrote:we're not the target of the revenue raising rort.

Well not that revenue raising rort...but then we've got all those wonderful speed cameras...

I was going to post the same reply.. ***** bracks arsehole!

:D Get a diesel Lux, you'll never get done for speeding then :oops:

Tell me about it!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:53 am
by grimbo
my Zuk is in trying to get a defect notice removed and I can't get it done with the swampers on it as they are not speed rated. You would have to be pretty unlucky (or greg) to get pulled over just because of the Swampers, unless they are sticking out, but if you have them on when trying to get a RWC forget about it. Doesn't matter what size a tyre is if it doesn't have a speed rating it won't be road worthy. (Mind you I have had it done but the guy has since lost his RWC license, (bugger I could use him now)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:30 am
by ToNkA
grimbo wrote: (Mind you I have had it done but the guy has since lost his RWC license)

Funny that. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:40 pm
by greg
grimbo wrote:You would have to be pretty unlucky (or greg) to get pulled over just because of the Swampers

I blame it on the colour - you'd think olive drab would make it invisible - but it seems to stick out like a sore thumb when on the road now :?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:48 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
greg wrote:
grimbo wrote:You would have to be pretty unlucky (or greg) to get pulled over just because of the Swampers

I blame it on the colour - you'd think olive drab would make it invisible - but it seems to stick out like a sore thumb when on the road now :?

Cops don't like Matte colours, recon they are harder to see.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:05 am
by greg
MKPatrolGuy wrote:Cops don't like Matte colours, recon they are harder to see.

Apparently not quite hard enough :?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:18 pm
by +dj_hansen+
Why are swampers not speed rated.. were as simex's are, and they would have similar amounts of big chucnky rubbers bits hanging off them?

Got something to do with ply and steel belts?

Just interested =]


PS: what more dangerous, someone in a Rice mobile trying to go as fast as they can, or someone in a 4X4 in the left hand land crawling home from the w/e... know where my decision lies, even if the 4X4 has *cough* minor *cough* panel damage

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:21 pm
by Wooders
AFAIK its to do with speed rating not being important in the US, & Interco not giving a rats anus about anywhere else :bad-words:

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:29 pm
by greg
Wooders wrote:AFAIK its to do with speed rating not being important in the US, & Interco not giving a rats anus about anywhere else :bad-words:


from interco website wrote:The Super Swamper TSL/BOGGER is built primarily for the professional mud bogger. The tire is versatile... D.O.T. approved and street legal... easy to modify for the cut, open, and pro stock classes. A new design for a new generation of competition performance.

I gather the tyres are legal in the states, and that is their biggest market so they don't bother with meeting standards in other countries...