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Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:09 pm
by Try_Me
do u think i should scrap my lift for now and buy a calmini kit??
spend my money on the locker??
if i get a locker i dont learn to drive good coz the locker does the work but ye sound good tho
u only have the rear or both also should i get both???
sounds good i have holidays from the 21st of june for two or 2 weeks i cant remember see how it goes might organise something with u
sent calmini another email asking for prices and shipping fees to my house will see how it goes
can u also tell me what dimentions ur skid plates are or take some pics so i get some ideas want to maybe make some up if there to pricey or u think just buy them??
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:39 pm
by suzukiboy
Try_Me wrote:Suzukiboy
do u think i should scrap my lift for now and buy a calmini kit??
spend my money on the locker??
if i get a locker i dont learn to drive good coz the locker does the work but ye sound good tho
u only have the rear or both also should i get both???
sounds good i have holidays from the 21st of june for two or 2 weeks i cant remember see how it goes might organise something with u
sent calmini another email asking for prices and shipping fees to my house will see how it goes
can u also tell me what dimentions ur skid plates are or take some pics so i get some ideas want to maybe make some up if there to pricey or u think just buy them??
I think the Calmini kit is worth fitting for sure.
I would go locker first for sure, makes a huge difference.
Just get the rear first, double check with ARB but I think they are $1250 each locker and $450 for an air compressor.
So instead of spending $1250 for the front locker put it towards a lift.
Here are some pics of the skid plates before install.
Have some more pics of how they look install will post later.
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:46 pm
by suzukiboy
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:49 pm
by suzukiboy
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:58 pm
by suzukiboy
As you see by this pic, skid plate probley saved my front diff.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:42 pm
by Try_Me
dont think in bothered to make them

a bit to hard looks that way and i dont have an oxy
what do u think about the calmini CENTERFORCE DUAL FRICTION CLUTCH KIT
also is it worth buying the winch bar?? or should i get one from here??
calmini told me in an email i sent again that for all this
calmini 6inc combo system lift and body blocks
Skid plates through out car Diff Transfer Gear box etc
tubular roof racks
anvile axil housing unit
center force dual friction clutch
rock crawler gears
complete exhaust with cat for 1.6L efi
front winch bumper
rock sliders
through out and pilot bearing
shipping was only $625.43 oh and prices are as advertised on site
but do i really need these??
anvile axil housing unit (dosent the front skid plate cover this??)
complete exhaust with cat for 1.6L efi
front winch bumper (well from them??)
does anyone know if the prices are U.S or in Australian dollars
think my first mod for now will be skiplates through out and rock sliders not to damage anything or might just go with the locker not sure yet (looking for extra work

at the moment to save quicker any donations much appreciated

cheers nick
Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:52 pm
by suzukiboy
Yep the Calmini plates are well designed, and do you job no mucking around bolt up.
Plenty of good clutches to buy in Aus, still running the original Suzuki one in mine.
ARB winch bulbar is well designed and priced ok in my opinion, haven't hit anything with it off-road yet, and has good clearance.
Only thing I would like to see on them is a couple of tabs for UHF, etc.
Apparently they don't put them on Vitara bar, so I fitted an ARB clamp for the UHF.
All prices would be quoted in US dollars.
The Calmini anvile axil housing unit is mainly an upgrade from the aluminium stock one which is prone to breaking, but a Vitara GV front diff is a good replacement.
I am considering the Calmini 16V header kit, but for a few dollars more I can have one custom built.
Rest of the exhaust I will make up myself.
Skid plates and sill sliders are a must if you want to do some serious off-road work.
I like my panel work as it is.
My build up went:
Skid Plates
Crawler Gears
Only next mod I would do is a Safari Snorkel.
Too many other hobbies om the go.
Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:26 pm
by Try_Me
im looking at spending
arb winch bar $600
locker $1250 + $450 air compressor (is that installed for $1250)
lift kit $1500
Skid plates + sliders $1100
crawler gears $1100
total $6000 thats with converting to us dollars the ones that need it
ive got my snorkel lol made up from the exhaust shop
u think making an exhaust is hard work??
the bull bar is the one in the pics i guess u cant mount a winch to it can u?
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:13 am
by suzukiboy
Try_Me wrote:so
im looking at spending
arb winch bar $600 $1250 +
locker $1250 + $450 air compressor (is that installed for $1250) $1700 + check with ARB I think the heavy duty air line is extra?
Mine had the fitting price included
lift kit $1500
Skid plates + sliders $1100
crawler gears $1100
total $6000 thats with converting to us dollars the ones that need it
ive got my snorkel lol made up from the exhaust shop
u think making an exhaust is hard work??
the bull bar is the one in the pics i guess u cant mount a winch to it can u?
Yes my ARB you can mount a winch to, winch is last mod on my list
Please check with ARB with prices as I had mine fitted a few years ago and as with everything they all go up in price.
Doesn't mean you can't bargin them back down but. 
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 8:53 pm
by Ric
i would go suspension lift first. you use it everyday, and the car looks better from the start. you sink 1500 into a locker and you only get to use it offroad. you don't get the benefit of onroad driving with a locker as you do everyday with a quality suspension system.
instead of buying a whole bunch of stuff for you car, go out and use it and see what you need. if you drive mud all the time, you woulnd have no use for crawler gears, better look for snorkel. etc etc.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:13 am
by atari4x4
bought mine as a stocker after getting out of a lifted swb GQ on simex, the thing was like a tracktor. went to drive one of my local trails & could not follow my mate in a mild sierra, bearly got up the gravel section in the stock vitara. now running the calmini lift + 30' MT/R's & it will do it now easy, you still have to drive it due to the open diffs & ifs front end but atleast it articulates nicely allowing more traction. after daily driving it for approx 15,000 klms it's still a choppy ride on road due to the wheel base being so short but off road it comes alive. when the wheels and lift went in the swaybar got lost, and honestly i bearly notice it's not there.
now after running the lift for 8 months i'm looking at r&p's for the zook to correct the tyres & transfer gears to get a some low range reduction. if the gearing is better with the 5.125's i'll be looking at a lockers

when it was stock it wouldnt even be in the picture maybe 150 meters down the track

now it'll climb up down no dramas to the right is a nice rock step that would give my mates mild sierra a hard time (AT tyres), the vit will now do it pretty easy.
just do it you know you want to
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 10:33 pm
by Try_Me
mmm sound like the lift is going in first i guess
my lift now isnt the best allot stiffer than standard the car also allot harder ride
Lift problems
what are some problems u guys have had with the lift on the vits also what do u all think about the 3inc body lift?? good idea or not?
the winch bar from calmini is prob going to be the same price as the one from arb with post and stuff but ill ask calmini any how to find out exact prices.
what would u rate the lift from calmini to stock?? u also have 31's how hard where they to fit and did u have any probs rubbing etc
can u get sway bar disconnects i dont have much idea about the whole sway bar thing i no my bro had say bar disconnects they were a pain on his wrangler (35's locked front and rear)
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:05 am
by atari4x4
Try_Me wrote:
can u get sway bar disconnects i dont have much idea about the whole sway bar thing i no my bro had say bar disconnects they were a pain on his wrangler (35's locked front and rear)
yeah not sure about them, my swaybar didnt fit back on.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am
by Try_Me
has anyone got their cars engineered???
would think about it after first defect tho also how much does it cost??
will stock seat rails fit WRX buckets??
cheers nick
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:35 am
by Gwagensteve
Try_Me wrote:has anyone got their cars engineered???
would think about it after first defect tho also how much does it cost??
will stock seat rails fit WRX buckets??
cheers nick
No idea about the seats, but in regard to engineering a calmini kit -
I can't speak for SA specifically, but here in Vic it seems to require the following work:
An NDT testing certificate for the welds (Magnetic particle inspection is the only applicable technique for the weld configurations used) This should cost $150-$250, but ALL coating will have to be removed from all welds. (best to sandblast or acid dip) The testing would have to be done by an independent third part such as INTICO P/L (they are in all capitals except Sydney) but they will not remove the coating, that would have to be done by others.
Replacement of the heim joint on the rear A arm. Heim joints are not legal for road use. It might be possible that the stock ball joint has enough movement for the articulation. I have a feeling that calmini included a heim joint to look cool, it does'nt seem to do anything useful except get sloppy.
PS the stock calmini front struts are crap. Install OME struts and the ride (and travel) improve amazingly.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:50 am
by Toecutta
Mine has an engineers with Calmini in it, but I didnt have to do all that stuff

, just a few swerve tests and the like.
I think it will depend on the engineer you use
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:07 am
by Gwagensteve
Toecutta wrote:Mine has an engineers with Calmini in it, but I didnt have to do all that stuff

, just a few swerve tests and the like.
I think it will depend on the engineer you use
And what state (or territory) you are in, and indeed the vigilance of the engineer you used.
The quality of the heim in the calmini kit is nothing special, and it actually binds slightly on full articulation.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:41 pm
by Squik
Just reading through... yeah, there is a Calmini dealer here in Australia who lost out on a $3500 order because he couldn't be farked returning phone calls... and this is a regular complaint about them
Email David in sales ( as he is extremely helpful with o/s orders... mention you are getting no satisfaction with the guy here and mention the name of the company... David is aware of all of this.
If you'd rather go local, try Duncan at Macquarie 4x4 as he orders Calmini gear in and may be able to help you.
The bash plates are brilliant... mine has saved my nice soft, little alloy front diff a couple of times.
Agree with Gwagonsteve though... the front struts suck!
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 3:52 pm
by cj
Squik wrote:Just reading through... yeah, there is a Calmini dealer here in Australia who lost out on a $3500 order because he couldn't be farked returning phone calls... and this is a regular complaint about them
Email David in sales ( as he is extremely helpful with o/s orders... mention you are getting no satisfaction with the guy here and mention the name of the company... David is aware of all of this.
If you'd rather go local, try Duncan at Macquarie 4x4 as he orders Calmini gear in and may be able to help you.
The bash plates are brilliant... mine has saved my nice soft, little alloy front diff a couple of times.
Agree with Gwagonsteve though... the front struts suck!
So, do do you have any Calmini under the X-90 still or has it all gone? I heard that you have been learning the ways of the Calmini.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:34 pm
by atari4x4
Squik wrote:Just reading through... yeah, there is a Calmini dealer here in Australia who lost out on a $3500 order because he couldn't be farked returning phone calls... and this is a regular complaint about them
Email David in sales ( as he is extremely helpful with o/s orders... mention you are getting no satisfaction with the guy here and mention the name of the company... David is aware of all of this.
If you'd rather go local, try Duncan at Macquarie 4x4 as he orders Calmini gear in and may be able to help you.
The bash plates are brilliant... mine has saved my nice soft, little alloy front diff a couple of times.
Agree with Gwagonsteve though... the front struts suck!
i found the same problem, for some one to be in business for "over 25 years" and have no knowledge of the product he sells. i was astonished he is still in business & the lack of customer service is absoultly shocking let alone the massive delays in freight for something that should be instock since he's supposed to be the australian distributor!
i was afraid to deal direct with the us suppliers but after dealing with fraudwheeldriveU$A i will not reconmend anyone to waste there money funding his retirement but after what i went through i would be dealing with the US companies direct from now....
rant over
yes calmini struts are crap
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:31 am
by Toecutta
Gwagensteve wrote:Toecutta wrote:Mine has an engineers with Calmini in it, but I didnt have to do all that stuff

, just a few swerve tests and the like.
I think it will depend on the engineer you use
And what state (or territory) you are in, and indeed the vigilance of the engineer you used.
The quality of the heim in the calmini kit is nothing special, and it actually binds slightly on full articulation.
i am in the ACT , but the dude also does NSW
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:47 am
by suzukiboy
atari4x4 wrote:Squik wrote:Just reading through... yeah, there is a Calmini dealer here in Australia who lost out on a $3500 order because he couldn't be farked returning phone calls... and this is a regular complaint about them
Email David in sales ( as he is extremely helpful with o/s orders... mention you are getting no satisfaction with the guy here and mention the name of the company... David is aware of all of this.
If you'd rather go local, try Duncan at Macquarie 4x4 as he orders Calmini gear in and may be able to help you.
The bash plates are brilliant... mine has saved my nice soft, little alloy front diff a couple of times.
Agree with Gwagonsteve though... the front struts suck!
i found the same problem, for some one to be in business for "over 25 years" and have no knowledge of the product he sells. i was astonished he is still in business & the lack of customer service is absoultly shocking let alone the massive delays in freight for something that should be instock since he's supposed to be the australian distributor!
i was afraid to deal direct with the us suppliers but after dealing with fraudwheeldriveU$A i will not reconmend anyone to waste there money funding his retirement but after what i went through i would be dealing with the US companies direct from now....
rant over
yes calmini struts are crap
atari4x4 well said, I had the same problems with a certain Calmini dealer......

great when you ring them up and say who are you, do you have a order with us, after 6 months wait....
I rang up first contact they say I will have to pay NOW.... as container is being loaded so I payed a deposit up front.
Then get items in separate deliveries months apart, get charged two delivery costs and find out important bit need to fit all the items missing, ring up it’s on my desk then takes weeks to arrive.
Then find out he charged me about double the cost for items, Calmini told me to go there if I wanted the items.
When every I rang up, always got a bad attitude from them because I wanted to check up on my order or the who are you....
Funny how you can post as much kind words on a supplier/manufacture of 4WD parts, etc.
But say the company name of a bad supplier and you will get in deep ........
Word does get around but and by the sounds of it all few people know who they are.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 8:41 am
by Try_Me
u think i should sell up buy a earlier model like a 95 or 96 maybe 2L and spend the money i have on the kit that way i will have all my stuff like pwr windows ac and pwr steer??
what would i get for mine seriously
98 JX 2dr soft top
new brakes
nudge bar
4 x spotlights (IPF 900sc and Narva Compact spotties)
235/75/15 BF's tyres on custom painted alloys
new soft top
sound system with DVD player worth approx 2gz in total
leather sports steering wheel
alarm with mirco wave sensors in it
128,XXX kms
rego till April 08
have stock set of tyres
lifted 2.5 incs
custom interior i did my self
bought it close 2 two years ago for $6800 with nothing on it complete standard roof was in shit condiditon also
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 8:46 am
by Try_Me
how much u pic up ur model for??
like the look of it
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:23 am
by atari4x4
suzukiboy wrote:atari4x4 well said, I had the same problems with a certain Calmini dealer......

great when you ring them up and say who are you, do you have a order with us, after 6 months wait....
I rang up first contact they say I will have to pay NOW.... as container is being loaded so I payed a deposit up front.
Then get items in separate deliveries months apart, get charged two delivery costs and find out important bit need to fit all the items missing, ring up it’s on my desk then takes weeks to arrive.
Then find out he charged me about double the cost for items, Calmini told me to go there if I wanted the items.
When every I rang up, always got a bad attitude from them because I wanted to check up on my order or the who are you....
Funny how you can post as much kind words on a supplier/manufacture of 4WD parts, etc.
But say the company name of a bad supplier and you will get in deep ........
Word does get around but and by the sounds of it all few people know who they are.

hey suzukiboy i reckon i must have had the same "recorded message" as you..... pretty much start to finish.
after many unreturned phone calls, i did finally did get in contact with them & as always very difficult to deal with, finally i was abused by the owner still waiting for my bits to arrive. i have records of all times & dates for all communication because it seemed like i was never going to get the parts that i was sold & thought i was going to have to chase them thru the system. this is my personal experience with fraudwheeldrive u$a & never again will i deal with them.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:43 pm
by Try_Me
should i buy the body blocks or not with the calmini lift kit 3 inc a bit much??
or how much should i go
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:57 pm
by just cruizin'
If you're interested I will be manufacturing a 2" Body Lift for Vitaras very shortly. Kit will include High Density Polyethylene Blocks and all bolts including specially made female "retainer" bolts for the fixed studs. Dollars will be about $200 including postage. I just have some small details to clear up.
Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 8:24 am
by Try_Me
yeh prob would be interested
cheers nick
Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 10:02 am
by cj
Try_Me wrote:should i buy the body blocks or not with the calmini lift kit
Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 8:42 pm
by Try_Me
why not???