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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:18 pm
by NIK
:armsupSquik. Its agreat feeling to get it done and now you can drive past the cops knowing your legal without waiting for the flashing lights.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:30 pm
by jop
you may as well join everyone coming to queensland, just have to buy a trailer for your fourby to get it anywhere :bad-words:

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:35 pm
by ozy1
Squik wrote:TIC at Kirrawee... who got the gig quite simply because of the six I rang, I was spoken to and had my questions asked without making out like I was silly for asking them... good customer services basically.

...and before anyone starts bagging them, the problem was with the RTA having incorrect information (not updating a change in procedure causing my cert to be invalid)... not with TIC, who did everything to the letter and were proven to be correct in this case :D
TIC may be a good bunch of people, for some of the people ive heard of being farked around after using TIC like us for instance, we spoke with RTA head engineeres over a 4 week period tryin to find out what was happening with our paperwork, all we got done was an engine swap in a GU, changed a 2.8L GU motor to a 4.2L turbo motor, both of which were factory options and 35" tires, head engineered informed us that he is on a small list of engineeres they are looking into becasue of his work, and informed us they are on the "hit list" talkin the head engineer, we were informed there is a bloke who used TIC who has been waiting for approval for 8 months,

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:25 pm
by Squik
Lessons in hissy fits to get things done quickly or "Fluffing Ones Panties in a Public Display of Squirrelly Wrath"

1) If you ring the RTA asking where the list of authorised engineers is located on the website and you then select and engineer off that authorised list in the good faith that the list is current - then you have every legal right to expect that the certificate that has been issued is valid.

2) When the RTA advises you (while you are standing at the counter) that your cert is invalid due to a clerical error in regards to:
a) Not mentioning that engineers will have certs pulled at random for checking which may delay approvals
b) A handful of engineers should not be on that list pending investigation

... you drop your bundle :D
You loudly point out that you have used an engineer that THEY have listed on THEIR website as authorised... therefor you have acted in good faith on THEIR recommendations.

3) When the person at the counter says "Oh, sorry someone must have forgotten the update that page"... then tells you that they are keeping your papers pending having you vehicle checked over by the RTA to make sure all is legit (congratulations, you have been randomly selected)

... you drop bundle #2, interspersed with comments like "Shit will hit the fan" and "YOU jeopardised MY registration by FORGETTING to do something so YOU are at fault" and then "If anything on my vehicle is wrong, seeing it was YOUR error that caused this, YOU will reimburse me for all costs involved"

4) Swear very loudly until a nice security guard comes and stands next to you. Slam your hand down on the counter and loudly proclaim "this is BULLSHIT" and storm out of the RTA to a round of applause from the other people waiting.

5) Go home, jump on to the RTA website to confirm that haven't updated the details. Print this information out, then jump onto their complaints section and pump out and email reinerating the scene in the RTA.

Fixed... 4 days :D

You cannot be held liable or incovenienced if you have followed the instructions of a government body in good faith, when they have provided you with incorrect information... giving you full right to demand that it be rectified to YOUR satisfaction and in a timely manner :D

Bookings taken for Squirrelly Wrath lessons... just call my agent :cool:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:12 pm
by cj
:armsup: :armsup: :armsup: :armsup: :armsup: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:47 pm
by grimbo
well done Squik.

One of my fav stories from of the US mags was one of the guys trying to reregister his modded 4wd and the shenanigans involved with the DMV. Basically he went a couple of times and was asked for different paper work each time he went. So in frustration he joined the queue with the paperwork he had and kep going up to different counter windows until the person happened to ask for the combination of papers he had. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:13 pm
by Squik
Look... don't get me wrong, once the error had been pointed out to them and they realised that they had indeed made a mistake, the RTA was willing to help out.

I had various apologetic phonecalls and emails, each one escalating until I hit the top... where a lovely man chatted with me about my situation and agreed that whilst they did have to check everything regardless, that it would be made as painless as possible.

In the end, TIC had done what I paid them to do perfectly, the RTA had fixed their stuffup... and I am waiting for the security footage at the RTA to hit YouTube :armsup:

...and we all lived happily ever after :D

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:35 pm
by ozy1
we have had our fair share or swaring hand slaming at all RTA's with our 10 or so regos, 99% of the time the faults were caused by there information, there is one bloke at the local who we scared so bad he lept away from the counter, and wouldnt come within 4M of the bench, month later i see him in woolies and he legged it the oposite direction, the RTA are a bunch of idiots that normally cause more work for them selves form there very own stuff ups, so believe me we know what you went through and about 100 times more,