cicak wrote:Day 3 morning this is a media car trying to make the 2nd hill the 80 meter climb. It took most vehicles 1 hour to ascend the difficult part. Little did they know there was another 7k of this crap and it got harder. Some vehicles camped just past the far comp car as they could get no further up the next even tougher climb.
Two media vehicles camped up there - my Discovery and Yamin's Isuzu D-Max - but it was about 250m beyond the comp car in pic. We did make it up the second slope and reached firm, level ground with more easy going in sight but since it was past 10pm and still raining, decided to camp while we had a good spot that still allowed other vehicles to pass.
Cars continued to pass us at the rate of slightly over an hour per vehicle into the early hours. We went to sleep at about 3.30am to the sound of screaming engines and winches.
The rain never stopped, and the most respite we got was maybe 5-minute spells of drizzle in between torrential downpours.
By morning, the slope was so slippery that even motocross bikes with knobbies could not ascend, I had to winch 3 of them up and off the track before I could make the descent.
Campsite the morning after ...
Coming back down ...
Going up without suitable winching point the night before ... photo from Joern Schekahn of
View from up there ... Thai Kia Sportage struggling up.
A refreshing change of scenery on the way up ...