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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:18 pm
by Zute
Looks the Bees knees to me. Needs to be small, simple(I'm pretty dumb) easy to mount and carry around. Its what Ive been waiting for.
But will be waiting for some reviews by the mags.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:24 pm
by LuxyBoy
Well my wifes boss just got one on Monday and is head into the desert on Thursday; I will have to have a play when he gets back and ask his opinion.
With these cheap ebay ones do they do everything that this unit does and what software do you need to buy to make it so
Haven't used too many GPS devices so all info is appreciated

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:49 pm
by GUJohnno
LuxyBoy wrote:Well my wifes boss just got one on Monday and is head into the desert on Thursday; I will have to have a play when he gets back and ask his opinion.
With these cheap ebay ones do they do everything that this unit does and what software do you need to buy to make it so
Haven't used too many GPS devices so all info is appreciated

From what I can see of the Hema unit, the Chinees GPS's modified will do the same.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:44 pm
by tj81
Anyone played with one of these ? ... dZViewItem
A fellow club member wants to put one in his GU and run Ozi on it as well as the street nav stuff. I see its running Win CE, just want to make sure i can do the same to it as the other ones before i say yeah go ahead and get one.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:49 pm
by GUJohnno
should work.
It runs of Microsoft Windows CE.NET 4.2 and the maps run off the SD card
You might be better buying this one as they are based in Australia ... :IT&ih=011
Give it a go and let us know
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:55 pm
by tj81
Thanks Johnno.
Did you get my PM RE the maps you were using ?
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:56 pm
by GUJohnno
tj81 wrote:Thanks Johnno.
Did you get my PM RE the maps you were using ?
Not yet
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:32 am
by ddr
LuxyBoy wrote:
With these cheap ebay ones do they do everything that this unit does and what software do you need to buy to make it so
Only things I had to buy for my Navlink was extra SD Cards to hold all my maps & OzeCE
I found the easiest way to set it up for my Mrs to use was to have swappable cards for which ever program I wanted to use.
EG IGO Card for navigation point to point, OZI Card with maps for Ozi.
Put in the card & select "Navigation" & it loads what ever is on the card.
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:03 am
by RoldIT
I'm not looking for a definitive "guarantee" but would it be safe to assume that any of these chinese GPS systems that run Windows CE and load their nav software from an SD card, you could get OziExplorer running from another SD card by tricking the GPS into thinking it's running the original software by renaming the OziExplorer .EXE to the same name as the supplied NAV software?
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:11 pm
by GUJohnno
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:04 pm
by RoldIT
GUJohnno wrote:Correct

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:19 am
by j-top paj
fool_injected wrote:Mousie wrote:hey i got my eepc from jb hi fi for 500
the new moddle runnign windows
it is freawking ausome as a incar pc
copy cat

you should talk

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:02 pm
by LuxyBoy
Actually saw a HEMA the other day...........too small

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:03 pm
by dank
On my 7 inch ebay gps I've just got the navteq and ozi programs on one card and all it takes is about 30 seconds of opening up the new folder in the browsing section and then setting it to open ozi and then going back to the first screen and opening the navigation section. The swapping SD cards is a good idea too though...If you have a lot of gps will only support up to a 2 gb sd card from memory....
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:31 pm
by rumpig89
i got a garmin nuvi 760 and it is tops. heaps of features and really quick recalculations along with being able to enter data points really quickly and it will sort for most efficient, fastest route etc, breadcrumbing also.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:41 pm
by Ruffy
Once the Hema finnally hit's our shelves, they'll be available for around $850 bucks.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:18 pm
by Dee
All links to the people selling the 7" GPS units (chinese type) seem to have no items for sale
Anyone know where i can get one of the cheapo 7" touchscreen 'on-dash' (not the 2-din style) GPS?
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:05 pm
by Zeyphly
I have a HEMA when it works its great, but having a few tething issues with it at the moment. The manufacturer has been very very good to deal with about the issues. I'll see how it goes when it comes back.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:12 pm
by MightyMouse
Running a $150 Laser L35. Runs Navteq standard ( 99% of tracks already in it ) but also run OziExplorer of a separate SD card.
Runs WinCE and has vid, pics, MP3 as well.
Yes its a 3.5 inch touch screen, but in bang for buck its excellent IMO.
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:14 am
by Dee
MightyMouse wrote:Running a $150 Laser L35. Runs Navteq standard ( 99% of tracks already in it ) but also run OziExplorer of a separate SD card.
Runs WinCE and has vid, pics, MP3 as well.
Yes its a 3.5 inch touch screen, but in bang for buck its excellent IMO.
damn, i want somehting like this but in a bigger screen... ie 7"...
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:04 pm
ey guys sorry to jump in, wanted to know about getting a gps want to stay cheap as possible whats the best gps to get any info would be great??
thanks boys
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:13 pm
by swamp
Mighty mouse
I just bought the same laser 35 and am wondering how to put oziexplore
on it , would you be able to elaborate?
cheers Michael
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:36 pm
by MightyMouse
Its really quite easy... ( once you have figured it out

Get a second SD card, can't be larger than 2GB ( 2BG recomended as there's room for lots of maps.... )
Download ActiveSync from Microsoft and install. Make sure it's talking to your L35 - you should see ActiveSync run and the spinny thing in the ActiveSync window spin and then stop green.
Download the installable version of OziCe from their web site and run its install program from your PC. It shouldl install on the SD card via ActiveSync.
Using Windows Explorer ( the mobile device must be pluged in and turned on ) rename the OziCE directory on the SD Card to Mobilenavigator and the OZICE ARM executable to MobileNavigator.exe. Windows CE doesn't use drive letters the SD card shows up as a directory SDMMC.....
Thats it. When the new card is installed and you select "Navigate" from the L35 screen OziExplorerCE will run. Put the old card back in and guess what its back to Navig8r.
Don't hot swap SD cards if either navigation program is running it will generate an error ( you have taken its files away... ). But its cool from the L35 menu screen.
Drop me a PM if your struggling - or send me a 2 GB SD card and a return envelope and I can image it off my system. 2GB card is about $11. Obviously will be the demo version of OziExplorerCE but its 99% functional.
Registration is $40 and can be done anytime - it turns the demo version into the full blown version.
For a total of $51 ( $11 for card, $40 for Ozi registration ) an absolute bargain IMO.
Its possible I can assure you and works VERY well.
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:11 pm
MightyMouse wrote:Its really quite easy... ( once you have figured it out

Get a second SD card, can't be larger than 2GB ( 2BG recomended as there's room for lots of maps.... )
Download ActiveSync from Microsoft and install. Make sure it's talking to your L35 - you should see ActiveSync run and the spinny thing in the ActiveSync window spin and then stop green.
Download the installable version of OziCe from their web site and run its install program from your PC. It shouldl install on the SD card via ActiveSync.
Using Windows Explorer ( the mobile device must be pluged in and turned on ) rename the OziCE directory on the SD Card to Mobilenavigator and the OZICE ARM executable to MobileNavigator.exe. Windows CE doesn't use drive letters the SD card shows up as a directory SDMMC.....
Thats it. When the new card is installed and you select "Navigate" from the L35 screen OziExplorerCE will run. Put the old card back in and guess what its back to Navig8r.
Don't hot swap SD cards if either navigation program is running it will generate an error ( you have taken its files away... ). But its cool from the L35 menu screen.
Drop me a PM if your struggling - or send me a 2 GB SD card and a return envelope and I can image it off my system. 2GB card is about $11. Obviously will be the demo version of OziExplorerCE but its 99% functional.
Registration is $40 and can be done anytime - it turns the demo version into the full blown version.
For a total of $51 ( $11 for card, $40 for Ozi registration ) an absolute bargain IMO.
Its possible I can assure you and works VERY well.
Can this be done to any gps?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:18 pm
by GUJohnno
The GPS needs to have a windows platform and the mapping program needs to run off the SD card.
There are many out there that will work though.
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:05 pm
by MightyMouse
GUJohnno wrote:No.
The GPS needs to have a windows platform and the mapping program needs to run off the SD card.
There are many out there that will work though.
GUJohonno's right with the requirements.
The WindowsCe operating system is rarely obvious, the manufactures hide it pretty well, but if it uses ActiveSync then that's a dead giveaway.
It seems that many of the cheaper Chinese built units run this type of CE and SD card setup - making them a very attractive conversion. Funny how the cheapest of the cheap can actually be even more of a bargain than you first expect.
I've done a few cheapies this way - all with the same positive outcome.
Bang for buck - great value, Good road navigation AND Ozi for topos and your own maps.
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:18 pm
by ned ... dZViewItem
does this look a good place to start for a cheapo gps hack?
it has navteq mapping, does that mean it has some offroad tracks already?
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:43 am
by MnG2guys
Emo wrote:That's really expensive. For less than that you could get a great mini laptop that'd run all the maping software you'd need and also double as an mp3 player, dvd player, mp4 player, photo bank etc etc.
The new upgraded Asus eeepc running Windows with 1gb of ram and 12gb of solid sate memory is around $540. Add Copilot, Oziexplorer and a few maps and you've got a great GPS PC.
X2 thats the way to go hey and that why i never travel alone, sombody has to hold the lap top on their knees in the passenger seat.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:23 pm
by bluemq
I am selling my PDA + GPS receiver as I no longer use it.
If anyone's looking to buy one drop me a PM and I'll send you some pics etc
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:55 pm
by MnG2guys
bluemq wrote:I am selling my PDA + GPS receiver as I no longer use it.
If anyone's looking to buy one drop me a PM and I'll send you some pics etc
why not using it any more, issues?