crankycruiser wrote:they're not too bad Dave, how much are they man? is there much options on offsets?
They come in a range of offsets. All wheels share the same casting (for the rim dia.) and the offset is set by machining the rim to suit. I got the biggest offset I could get which is why the centre of my rim is so thick.
See link to see available offsets." onclick=";return false;
Mine basically ended up at $494 per rim. I was originally looking at it being around $380ish a rim. Break down of costs below.
$1635.45 Aud to Trailready for 5 Rims ($1720.24 US ( 5 x $325ea + 95.24 S&H))
$47.63 fee from the bank for overseas transaction.
JT Imports Costs
$88.06 Customs Duty
$203.33 GST on Customs Entry
$70 Compile User Fee
$50 Delivery Order Fee / SCA
$26.50 CMR Compliance Fee
$65 Professional Fees
$1.30 Transaction Fee
$175 Freight
Total $693.34
$92.51 E-go to get the rims from Melbounre to the Sunny Coast.
Total cost of the rims $2468.93 or $493.79ea
stilivn wrote:How much extra did it cost you cause of jt, I've had a bender sitting with them in us for 3 weeks an can't make contact get them on phone but only the boss knows what's going on but he is always doing deliveries. They apparently don't like or reply to email.
See above, it was just all those extra fees that I wasnt expecting, and which add up.
Found exactly the same with his workers having no idea most of the time, and John being out. John was helpful on the odd time he replied to a email or you got him on the phone, but overall I wasnt happy with there service.
Take this for example. Get the invoice for all there fees above on a monday, pay it straight away then call them wanting to organise pickup for as soon as the money clears. They say they will call when it does. Gets to friday and I havent heard anything so I call them. Money had cleared, so I organise pickup for monday. Ring monday morning to confirm, old mate said all good. Gets to wednesday arvo and JT Imports call. Sorry mate, E-go came to pick your rims up but we hadnt got them down from upstairs yet. E-go said they would come back tomorrow but they havent, so you might wanna re-organise pickup.

Thankfully E-go didnt charge and fees for them to go back, and they all turned up ok in the end.