I can get some photos of the truck Saturday for you if you like - and with Billy's permission I will post a few up.
Just I have been wanting to take some photos of the #441 for a while now! There should be plenty of photos up and around on the internet over the week of festivities out at Alice Springs.
For anyone interested - and on Facebook - join the Offroad Cartel page on there and Josh and I will be doing continual photo and story updates to keep everyone in the loop...
That'll include pre-run photos, working bees on the 441 - and stevo taking on the 2KG!
It'll be heaps of fun - so if you have access to Facebook, jump on, join up and get involved!

I really don't think we'll have enough time to do video's on the fly - but you never know - we are definately trying to collect enough footage and hopefully we can get some event clips out asap.
It's definately an amazing race and it sure has me locked in... I reckon we all just book permenant accommodation at Stuarts Caravan Park now for 2012!!