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Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:09 pm
Ralf the RR wrote:
I find it very bizzare that:

a) Fishman doesn't know by now
b) It has taken him this long and this many questions to buy the bloody thing.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:41 pm
by big bundy
ISUZUROVER :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
because i can just ride my bike all the way to warterna to just snap it, upits gunna be my first car so i don't wanna get stung
think first cockhead :finger: :finger:

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:48 pm
by patrolman
ISUZUROVER, you seem to get annoyied very easily, why is that?? also maybe the reason fish_man is asking so many questions is because he would like to know what he should expect when he buys the rangie, so if you dont have anything help full or constructive to say, then dont say it. :finger: :finger: :finger:

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:49 pm
by 80diesel4play
fish_man wrote:ISUZUROVER :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
because i can just ride my bike all the way to warterna to just snap it, upits gunna be my first car so i don't wanna get stung
think first cockhead :finger: :finger:

I'm tipping there's some angst about boys? :finger:

If you need advice - chat to Davidh - His disco is a piece of art... 3 yo but art all the same.

Also hassle Ranuki about doing stuff - he's reliable and relatively inexpensive...

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:21 pm
by HSV Rangie
setle down children.


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:33 pm
by big bundy
yeah well after taking to mechanic from 4wd connections and him cheaking out the car, decided against it and ne rangie, back to a GQ then, thanks for your help everybody :D except izuzurover :finger: :finger:

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:35 pm
by HSV Rangie
what was wrong with it.

not just mech's opinion I hope.


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:45 pm
by big bundy
diff was clunking baddddddd, but rangies in general i have mooved off because off too many reports of the em stuffing up and then costing heaps to fix, also i won't have enough $$$ to fork out for petrol
with the guzzler

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:55 pm
I thought we covered all this, not any more expensive than a GQ, my GQ 4.2 petrol SWB has worse economy than my dads 4.7l Rangie!
Parts are cheapish esp if you pick up a wreck for $1000 and have and endless supply of spares.

Lesson 1: If you own 4WD it will cost you lots of $$$ no matter what brand, especially if you take it offroad where it is meant to go

If you want a 4wd and are worried about $ buy a zook not a big car, they are still expensive though

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:56 pm
by TuffRR
Hate to burst your bubble but a GQ is not going to be any easier on the juice. I had my brothers 4.2D for a weekend up the high country and it really wasn't that much cheaper than the Rangie. It was getting about 15l/100kms which a tuned Rangie would also get. The petrol patrols are even worse!! Also, the purchase price of a GQ is a fair bit more than a Rangie so its a false economy spending an extra $5k-8k to save $10 a week on fuel!!!!!
Any vehicle that age is likely to have some issues, for the money i reckon the rangie you were looking at was a bargain!!!!

And yes I agree, since Ben has been in Germany he does seem grumpier, perhaps he's missing his Landy! :D

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:06 pm
by big bundy
yeah but i have been told buy many people that the rangie parts are a shitload more $$$ and break down a hell of a lot more, and yes i do realise that gq's are more $$ but i don;t care what ya's say i know a rangie will guzzle the petrol and appertly if u go nebigger than 33's u start blowing diffs and stuff unless u upgrade, like i have read about u guys upgrading to maxi lockers and the such

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:20 pm
by TuffRR
Yeah, you're right. GQ's are unbreakable. :roll:

BTW, did the person who said Rangie parts are expensive happen to sell Nissan parts???

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:22 pm
by DaveS3
So instead of puting $3000 extra into getting a GQ -

Do a toy / Jac Mac or Maxi updrage and then drive it.

Be Different (or at least different to the other 508923890872340 people that drive a GQ).

Put the savings into a rangie and you will have a pretty much bullet proof car.


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:31 pm
You also have to learn how to drive before you start modifying the car, and when you learn how to drive you will also lear how to look after the car and not break stuff but still have fun. Then modify it. By the way maxi's are similar price to air lockers anyway.

I got a quote for the diff centre for my gq from ni$$an-$1800 :lol:
Power steering hose (2m long) -$270 :lol:
I could go on....

Stick with the rangie ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:33 pm
by HSV Rangie
fish_man wrote:yeah but i have been told buy many people that the rangie parts are a shitload more $$$ and break down a hell of a lot more, and yes i do realise that gq's are more $$ but i don;t care what ya's say i know a rangie will guzzle the petrol and appertly if u go nebigger than 33's u start blowing diffs and stuff unless u upgrade, like i have read about u guys upgrading to maxi lockers and the such

Now that is a load orf crap.
RR parts are similar to toy/nissan if not ceaper.

The one thing you should remember is that most Mechs are scared of rovers its beyond thier abilities.


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:38 pm
by TuffRR
HSV Rangie wrote: The one thing you should remember is that most Mechs are scared of rovers its beyond thier abilities.

Which is weird, because they are a very simple vehicle to work on.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:44 pm
by DaveS3
Its all in the name and reputation :roll:

Buy the rangie :twisted:


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:09 pm
by muppet_man67
buy a suzuki and be done wit it fish_man you should be able to find a good clean zook for under 5k. they are an exelant car to learn to drive in. easy to park and you cant beat them for visibility. around the city I get better the 10kms per liter of fuel. Off road they are animals dont let theyre size fool you they are a serious 4wd. I easily drove through sections of track with 29" tyres where rovers with 31 inch tyres wree getting hung up.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:57 pm
by RaginRover
fish_man wrote:yeah but i have been told buy many people that the rangie parts are a shitload more $$$ and break down a hell of a lot more, and yes i do realise that gq's are more $$ but i don;t care what ya's say i know a rangie will guzzle the petrol and appertly if u go nebigger than 33's u start blowing diffs and stuff unless u upgrade, like i have read about u guys upgrading to maxi lockers and the such

Fark, how hard is for info to stick

1. Parts go price a GQ starter then a rangie start should be to the tune of $1100 for the patrol to $400 for the rangie. You are on OL now parts aren't a problem.

2. "They fark up all the time" - Ummm no they don't last rangie was a 1976 2 door - driven daily for 28 years and was all origional - I have never had to be tilt trayed home in a rangie. Always been able to make it work.

3. Over 33s - umm you don't need them run 245/75/16 and get on board with Traction Control (like I have) when strange rovers starts selling it
and you can run 32s or bigger on 10 spine axles without problems.

4. GQ owners - how many of you have over 350,000K on your engine - let me tell you not many, most suffer catastrophic failures that cost more than your rangie to repair.

6. Fuel - how can I say this GAS GAS GAS GAS - cheap and easy. Alloy V8 will outlast a 4.2 diesel. Rangie engines are cheap and easy to fix.

Whoever talked you out of it needs to grow up, bagging out another make because of one or two bad experiences or limited experience with them really needs a kick in the ass.

If you want to become handy with automotive repairs and mods owning a rangie is the way to go - you can do nearly everything yourself with basic tools, a workshop manual and time. The are easy to keep - I look after my 1991 classic and my dad's 1997 P38 4.0 - it to is the really simple and cheap to look after.


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:58 pm
by 80diesel4play
GQ's are liek a$$holes - everyone's got em...

Remember that km's are km's - each car has a certain life span on parts and GQ stuff aint cheap!!! Wound back Speedo's aren't hard to come by either!!

I run the 80 series and parts are a killer - mainly because I drive the thing to within and inch of it falling apart - cause I can :D !!!

GQ - to get a stocker to realistic - you need to throw at least $6000 - 7000 at it and thats if you know people...

Same can be said for a rangie... Mate I can't beleive you're letting some tool talk you out of a deal - I've seen some nasty GQ buys and they are not all they are cracked up to be.

I agree with the policy of keep it stock and learn to drive it till you can get it to the limit and then gradually step up... Been a few rollovers of GQ's recently by inexperienced drivers in big lifted things.... walk before you run..

Also - A tuned V8 is neat as to get about in... GQ's drink man - they drink heaps!!!! I've been away and dudes have eaten 120L to my 40L and Rangies 80L for the same tracks/time/etc....

PS - wanna buy my one? It'll save you $3000 straight up which is a rear locker and some other stuff (already lifted and rims/tyres!!)
Its cheap as!! You'll love it - and it wasn't $$$ to run when I did use it!!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:52 pm
by up2nogood
I can get solid new disc rotors for my 93 Disco for $55 a pop. Brake pads for $58 a set.

That ain't dear.

All other parts are on par with any other make, so whoever reckons they are dear is obviously trying to make money out of you or haven't been shopping.

Piston, pin and ring set, 20' oversize just $850.00.

R380 gearbox rebuilt, $2,100.

Hi torque cam shaft, $280. Hydraulic lifters, $120 a set.

Water pump, $185.

Throttle cable for $80.

Come on.....

As for reliability, as long as you don't cook the thing, the only mod required is a new cam and timing set at 160,000kms. Oh, double row timing set $95.00.

Try getting that crap for a Nissan.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:36 pm
by Loanrangie
I love rangies and wont drive anything else but for a first 4by on a budget, i would consider a zook especially if you dont have much mechanical knowhow. Neither of my 2 rangies have ever been to a mechanic and i have had 1 for 10 years. But then i grew up working on vintage cars and bikes so i have the knowledge - just something to think about. As you are only young, you may be a student for a while to come so cash will be hard to come by.