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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:03 pm
by Eddy
N*A*M wrote:chit chat

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:30 pm
by suzi_on_46s
-Mick- wrote:
suzi_on_46s wrote:ok just to clear it all up

he is not going to put two diffs under it, he will only be placing one in the rear. He just wants to know if the hilux diffs will bolt straight on.

and what ratios does he need
what makes him think it would bolt in :shock: needs to be narrowed.... really needs to be narrowed :?

Needs to have the spring pads removed from the top and placed on the bottom.... SPUA, or it'll have that classic drag profile and some :roll:

Ratios will depend on tyre size :roll: not like he's trying to match the front ratio is it :? He will have small tyres no doubt so a high ratio is the go :? The hilux diff will bolt in as easy as a mog diffs in a suzuki.... you either have a really good reason for doing it or you're a bit special and do it cause it sounds really cool :roll:

Why does he want to do it? Does it have a motor likely to kill the original diff cause if so he'll want to be upgrading other parts of the driveline too :roll:
yeh im just getting some info for him.

yeh he was saying something along the lines of 3.17:1

thanx 4 the info boys real big help

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:53 pm
-Mick- wrote:
what makes him think it would bolt in :shock: needs to be narrowed.... really needs to be narrowed :?

Needs to have the spring pads removed from the top and placed on the bottom.... SPUA, or it'll have that classic drag profile and some :roll:

Ratios will depend on tyre size :roll: not like he's trying to match the front ratio is it :? He will have small tyres no doubt so a high ratio is the go :? The hilux diff will bolt in as easy as a mog diffs in a suzuki.... you either have a really good reason for doing it or you're a bit special and do it cause it sounds really cool :roll:

Why does he want to do it? Does it have a motor likely to kill the original diff cause if so he'll want to be upgrading other parts of the driveline too :roll:
What makes you think it needs to be narrowed? Or that it wont bolt straight in? They fit under Mazda 808 wagons with no modifications. So why not under an Escort?

Suzi_on_46s tell your mate he needs to look at an RN25 hilux. This is one of the first models(mid to late 70s) of 2wd hilux. They have the narrowest housing of all Hilux's. This model is the one commonly used in Mazda's. Only prob he will have is the stud pattern is different. But im pretty sure there is an after market brake upgrade for the front that will match the Hilux rear. The Hilux rear is very close to the Ford Falcon 5 stud pattern. So close Ford wheels fit.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:56 pm
leehamescort wrote:Just on the off chance you just want a hilux rear end in an esky.

Early 2wd luxs were narrower and are still the 8" toyota diff centre.

If you use the early lux diff you end up with falcon 5 stud. you can then put falcon hubs and disks on the front and then you have falcon 5 stud all round (much better wheel choices) otherwise get the diff studs redrilled to escort.

plenty strong enough for an escort but they are also way too heavy. The biggest problem it they tear the mounts out of the floor!!!

Not too big a problem if the car is just for straight line stuff, but on rally cars they can be a bastard.

The later lux diffs are about 100mm too wide, so need some really ugly off set rims.

Might help a little.

At least someone else was willing to actually try and help him. I replied before reading this post.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:31 pm
by Ruffy
:cry: Now i feel bad for mocking him..

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:53 pm
by YB.LOW4
i also will be doing this mod in my escort once i finally finish the lux (hopefully soon). and yes i will have the power to justify such a mod. what you need is a lux diff out of the very early 2wd lux's (rn25-27) these diffs are 1370mm wide where as an escort diff is 1350mm therefore its very close. also, i have heard ford courier diffs are also very close but require stud pattern changes. hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:07 am
by suzi_on_46s
yeh my m8 that will be doing this is going to start it after he gets back from darwin. he snapped his ankle in rottnest

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:22 am
by r0880
Some more info on hilux diff models/widths here: ... hp?t=18240