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Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:35 pm
by Shorti
MUD EMPIRE wrote:Someone told me yesterday (heresay) that U can now buy, at Bunnings,
an air tank/reciever setup with an airline and guage for $30.00
It suposedly looks like (for want of a better explanation) a medium
size BBQ gas bottle.
Anyone seen what I'm talking about...? If they do exist would they
work on a 4B..?
39 bucks. Its just an air tank with line, which you can fill at the servo. Just take the standard fittings off and replace with jamec ones and you got a cheap 18l 125psi tank.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:26 pm
by Ezookiel
MUD EMPIRE wrote:Someone told me yesterday (heresay) that U can now buy, at Bunnings,
an air tank/reciever setup with an airline and guage for $30.00
It suposedly looks like (for want of a better explanation) a medium
size BBQ gas bottle.
Anyone seen what I'm talking about...? If they do exist would they
work on a 4B...?
Yep, just checked the local Bunnings here.
18 litre portable air tank, gauge and tyre inflator = $39.00
Would probably work on a 4by, but they looked pretty large, would want to find a suitable spot to stash it.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:52 pm
by junior80
Ezookiel wrote:junior80 wrote:
this worked a treat too, I wanted to go through a bog hole out at vinyard one day so i knocked this up, it sat in the bog hole for about 4 or 5 minutes in water that was up to the top of the head lights. wouldn't risk it again tho. a bit of garden hose off the top of the bottle would have been better.
I don't quite get what this one was all about. What was it protecting?
well i figured it had to be better than just the bare air intake pipe and it worked too, all the mud that got into the top of the bottle collected in the bottom and didnt' get into the filter at all. we checked the filter and it had a couple of tiny specs of dried mud on it but wasn't wet.
we did find a vacume cleaner flexi pipe i wanted to use but had no way to make a hole in the bonnet and wasn't long enough to pass it out through the grill and get it up high enough to be worth it.
for anyone that knows vinyard, we only did it cos we wanted to go through that really deep mud hole thats always bright green.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:43 pm
by bushy555
Old rangies:
* Re-wire the factory wiring before it goes up in flames.
...or don't bother, and just wait for it to go up in flames like I did.
* Use Auto trans fluid in your R380 5 speed manual gearbox.
* Overfill your LT230 transfer by 1/2 litre.
* Broken down in the middle of nowhere in winter and no fire wood at night to keep warm? Burn the rangie...
Old Subaru's:
* Weld the gearstick on to the gearbox selector rod before it falls off.
* Got a split CV boot? Use non acidic silicon on the split - will last for yonks.
* Throw away the factory Hitachi carb and bolt on a Weber.
* Dont do a 6" lift on a Brumby and think that you can get away with it. You'll get caught, a red sticker and $600.00 in fines.
* $10.00 Super-cheap 10" coloured fluros make nice 'funky' interior lights.
* $25.00 Super-cheap lights make good mirror side lights or reverse lights.
(Too small for a H3 HID bulb though...)

* $2.00 special GO-LO crap interior 12v downlights make kinda alright rock crawl lights. Not real brilliant on gravel roads though, unless mounted up high facing rear-wards.

* If you dont have an exhaust stack, add a length of pipe to the end of your exhaust for when your driving through deep water...
* The dopey idea of putting a good dollop of Pepper and an egg into your radiator (if it is split in anyway) actually truly works. Or at least slows the leakage down. If there is a thumping tree through the radiator, of course, dont expect it to work real goodly.
* "Stag" which is a brown coloured water and gas pipe thread sealant (from any Mitre 10, super cheap, bunnings) works ok on dizzy caps. Loctite gasket goo or even grease probably works fine as well. But, drill a hole in the dizzy, and run a breather hose into your air filter housing (or glove box). Then you can safely seal the dizzy.
Same with the spark plug covers on the leads, fill the top bit with a dab of that stag or gasket goo or grease.
* Making a home-made endless air compressor out of an old air conditioning compressor? Run the "input" air from the tappet cover, that way the oil rich filled air in the tappet cover will self lubricate the compressor. (Credit to whoever wrote it on here in one of the end-less threads ages ago)
* Keep your spare 35" tyre filled at 60 PSI. Or 75 PSI for those with split rimmed Light truck tyres. Wanna re-seat a broken bead? Make up a tyre to tyre adapter with possibily air gate valves on both ends and connect the spare tyre @ 60psi to the deflated stuffed beaded tyre. Works.
Flames welcomed.
Enuff already.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:23 pm
by tj81
I read someone said Solvol was the best hand cleaner, its pretty good BUT
THE BEST hand cleaner is dynamo washing liquid. No joke.
And its great at finding EVERY little cut and nick in your hands !
Edit: spulling.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:32 pm
by Zute
sorry bushy, but over inflating your spare is a dangerous thing to do. Plus it doesn't give you much air to re inflat tyres.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:10 pm
by Rabbit
Here's a couple more for ya
One of the best hand degreasers in the bush is clay type dirt and H20. Add dirt, water and rub your greasy hands together. Rinse the clay off and it takes the majority of the grease away with it.
Remove the inside lining from the Sierra rear door and attach a thicker panel with hinges at the bottom and a thin wire at the top. Place coffee, sugar, cups etc. in zip lock bags between the folded up panel & Walla! instant coffee table when you open the rear door.
Dip the handle of ya tools in fluro paint (or use reflective tape) so ya can find em in the dark instead of loosing them in the tall grass etc. You can also scratch in your name in an attempt to claim them back from your mates.
Tea bags stored in a jar with Kero makes great fire lighters.
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:06 pm
by roi
A tin of flyspray/deoderant/ aeroguard.
when bead of tyre pops off and can't re seat it (pussies!)
spray inside tyre and light it.
BOOM! tyre "should" pop onto rim. or you have no eyebrows.
Alternatively you can buy a rubber ring that they use in tyre shops for about $60 that will seal between wheel and tyre. as the tyre inflates it simply pop's off, leaving the tyre sealed to the bead.
Rubber car Floor mats.
obviously good for not getting floor dirty (again, pussies) but work well when thrown infront of front tyres when bogged. Other alternatives work well- strips of old carpet, dead dog, live dog, recycled tyre floor mats etc.
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:00 pm
by micks troll
if you want a portable air tank, Kmart sell tanks 30 bucks a bit bulky though
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:57 pm
by dattopimp
Yeah, i got one of those air tanks, same as what bunnings sell. Kinda big to fit anywhere. Just gonna get some thickish 4" pipe and cap the ends. It'll only be runnin about 120-140psi so should be right.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:49 pm
by Rabbit
I read somewhere about a guy that made his roll bar into his air tank too. After building it he coated the inside with galvanised paint (to reduce rust etc.) He poured in a can of Galv paint and rolled it around until the inside was covered.

cheap tricks
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:27 pm
by micks troll
turning side steps into tanks as the steps are 50mm rhs 4mm wall. each step will hold 6 litres so by joining them together wahlah 12 litre tank.
If oil or fuel filter has been done up too tight and your gunna change anyway wack a screw driver through it and turn.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:57 am
by jungle_surfer
GU BUG wrote:You can also use the polyurethane rollers on boat trailers (they sell for about $8) for lifting your tray

..... or body I guess if you wish

I once did a 2" body lift on a surf with them... and I'm thinking of doing it again to a prado.
(BTW, what is usually used for body lifts? Thick walled al pipe?)
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:00 am
by jungle_surfer
90Mav wrote:...
Old tyres make great exhaust mounts (cut strips... dont use the whole thing) :-P
This may sound stupid, but... Any suggestions on how to cut old tyres??
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:21 am
by Ruffy
jungle_surfer wrote:90Mav wrote:...
Old tyres make great exhaust mounts (cut strips... dont use the whole thing) :-P
This may sound stupid, but... Any suggestions on how to cut old tyres??
0.9mm disc on an angle grinder
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:48 pm
by beavis
good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:22 pm
jungle_surfer wrote:90Mav wrote:...
Old tyres make great exhaust mounts (cut strips... dont use the whole thing) :-P
This may sound stupid, but... Any suggestions on how to cut old tyres??
Electroplated Diamond Blade.... will last for bloody ages, and will cut it well.
Available from Trade Tools. Ask for a Clipper ELE-10520 part number and if they don't have stock they'll order it.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:30 pm
by longlux
beavis wrote:good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

Camping & First aid.
Potassium Permanganate (Condies Crystals) & Glycerine to start a fire.
We take this with us when camping just in case the matches get wet just make a small pile of condies about a teaspoon full then add a couple of drops of glycerine it will ignite.
A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:04 pm
by pongo
beavis wrote:good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

i use the wax boxes that lettuce and cabbage come in. awesome stuff and fold flat into nothing
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:58 pm
by Ezookiel
longlux wrote:beavis wrote:...A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is magnaplasm?
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:17 pm
by Dozoor
longlux wrote:beavis wrote:good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

Camping & First aid.
Potassium Permanganate (Condies Crystals) & Glycerine to start a fire.
We take this with us when camping just in case the matches get wet just make a small pile of condies about a teaspoon full then add a couple of drops of glycerine it will ignite.
A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Ooh don,t get these two mixed up ! ouch

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:18 pm
by Ezookiel
We arrived late at night in the rain at a campsite, and the guy next to us came over and poured liquid parafin all over the wet wood for us.
It made a great fire starter that didn't stink up the much wanted Billy we were eager to get put on.
Which brings up another cheap trick. Do good things for others. It comes back in spades. At that very same campsite on a previous trip, we'd seen some people arrive late at night and start hunting for wood in the dark with just a fluoru lamp. And we knew from our days wood collecting, there was none nearby at all, and required a good size walk into the bush, which they could never do with a fluoro lamp. So one of us grabbed a good size pile of our wood, and the other grabbed a huge shovel load of hot coals from our fire, and we went a knocking at their campsite.
The coals got their fire going just about immediately, and the pile of wood got them through till morning light when we could both restock.
I never expected that that good deed would come back in spades that drizzley damp night when the favour was returned to us by the donation of liquid parafin, but it's amazing how often good deeds for others seem to get returned. It's pretty cheap to do nice things for others
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:21 pm
by Sportage
MUD EMPIRE wrote:Someone told me yesterday (heresay) that U can now buy, at Bunnings,
an air tank/reciever setup with an airline and guage for $30.00
It suposedly looks like (for want of a better explanation) a medium
size BBQ gas bottle.
Anyone seen what I'm talking about...? If they do exist would they
work on a 4B...?
Haven't actually seen them in Bunnings but you can get them from Supercheap and even Kmart. Thought the cost was a little higher though. About the size of a 9kg gas bottle.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:51 pm
by Emo
Half a dozen fire lighters and a couple of litres of diesel gets damp fire wood going pretty well.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:31 pm
by RockyF75
Ezookiel wrote:longlux wrote:beavis wrote:...A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is magnaplasm?
Some concoction that draws out boils n splinters n stuff. from google
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:52 pm
by smileysmoke
[quote="Ezookiel" Do good things for others. [/quote]
best advice yet!
stop for others if they are stranded on the side of the road (even if they dont have boobs!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:58 pm
by KaMo
longlux wrote:beavis wrote:good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

Camping & First aid.
Potassium Permanganate (Condies Crystals) & Glycerine to start a fire.
We take this with us when camping just in case the matches get wet just make a small pile of condies about a teaspoon full then add a couple of drops of glycerine it will ignite.
A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Potassium permanganate mixed with straight sugar will also do the same trick. You will just need to mix the granules together, and crush them or hit them to get the reaction going.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:08 am
by zookjedi
KaMo wrote:longlux wrote:beavis wrote:good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

Camping & First aid.
Potassium Permanganate (Condies Crystals) & Glycerine to start a fire.
We take this with us when camping just in case the matches get wet just make a small pile of condies about a teaspoon full then add a couple of drops of glycerine it will ignite.
A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Potassium permanganate mixed with straight sugar will also do the same trick. You will just need to mix the granules together, and crush them or hit them to get the reaction going.
what trick ? the start a fire or as a medicle help? dont wanna get mixed up here .
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:36 am
by foolsp33d
back to tips for the sierra...
Clark Rubber sell tubes of foam, basically used on gym eqipment, weights, etc.. its good for tucking up between the top of the windscreen frame and the soft top to reduce the air noise, is also a great way to revive the rear loop bar padding! Pics to be edited in..
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:31 pm
by macca81
zookjedi wrote:KaMo wrote:longlux wrote:beavis wrote:good firestarter, buy a cheap aerosol degreaser, ($2 ones from supercheap, prefer the one that spray a stream over a metre) stack your fire with several different sized timbers. Spray the crapper out of it then stand back and light a small trail you left on the ground, or coat the end of a stick.
Great fun too

Camping & First aid.
Potassium Permanganate (Condies Crystals) & Glycerine to start a fire.
We take this with us when camping just in case the matches get wet just make a small pile of condies about a teaspoon full then add a couple of drops of glycerine it will ignite.
A paste made with Glycerine & Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) is magnaplasm.
Put a small amount of Glycerine into a container then just add & mix the epsom salts till you get the same consistency as magnaplasm.
Potassium permanganate mixed with straight sugar will also do the same trick. You will just need to mix the granules together, and crush them or hit them to get the reaction going.
what trick ? the start a fire or as a medicle help? dont wanna get mixed up here .
potasium permanganate and glycerine is for firestarting, glycerine and mag sulfate is for first aid.
dont get the 2 mixed up, serious burns could soon follow